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After about three or four hours of being over at Jamie's, I got tired of waiting for Tyler. He didn't talk to me at all for the whole night, he was too busy hanging onto this other girl and he was drunk as fuck. I just didn't feel like continuing to look at it. So, I went home.

I couldn't help but think the entire night that maybe Jamie was right. I need to get out of Tyler's life, we aren't a good fit for each other. He deserves better than me, whether it's me as a girlfriend or me as his best friend, he deserves better.

I'm scared to let him go because then I'll have nobody, I don't talk to anybody at school, I didn't talk to anybody at any of my jobs. Before Tyler and before Jake, I only had Raelynn and since, she's M.I.A now and doesn't want to see me or talk to me, I'll have nobody if I drop Tyler.

Speaking of Tyler, he's calling me. I hit accept and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Why did you just leave me at Jamie's last night?" He asked, he sounded hurt.

"You left me by myself all night, I got tired of you hanging all over another girl and nobody on your team likes me, so I was basically there for nothing" I explained.

"I-I'm sorry. That girl was just an old friend-" he said before I cut him off.

"You mean a girl you've hooked up with before" I told him.

"I mean, you're not wrong but that's not the point, it was just nice to see her, I know it looked like I was all over her, but-" he told me before I cut him off again.

"But what, Tyler? You just begged me not that long ago to give you another chance and you're feeling up on other girls." I snapped.

"You're not even sure if you even wanna take me back. It was my fucking birthday, I'm allowed to let loose, why should I wait around for you? You didn't wait around for me" he shot back. Ouch.

"Last night, when we got over to Jamie's, he told me that I should get out of your life because I'm hurting you, I'm starting to consider doing so, because I'm so fucking tired of this" I sighed.

"Chloe, please don't leave me" he begged.

"Tyler, this is so exhausting. I don't think you could ever fully commit to me, you like your freedom too much" I told him.

"Baby, I'm begging you, please don't leave me. I- I need you more than you'll ever believe" he admitted, choking up towards the end of his statement.

"Tyler, you're better off without me" I stated.

"Chloe, I'll stop hanging out with other girls, I won't go to parties or clubs anymore, I can't lose you" he pleaded.

"Tyler, this is goodbye, maybe we'll cross paths again, but for now, you need to focus on yourself and so do I. I love you but I can't do this anymore" I sighed. My eyes were welling up with tears.

"I-I love you too..." he sobbed. I hung up.

I blocked and deleted his number and blocked him on all social media.

I buried my face into my pillow and began to sob. I didn't want to do this but I felt like I had to. This relationship was so toxic, it wasn't healthy for me or for him. It's affecting his playing career, negatively.

We needed to cut ties. It was for the best...

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