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A year and a half later


Today, I am graduating from college, all of my hard work is finally paying off.

Tyler and I are living together again, we're doing better than ever. We barely argue or fight anymore. I'm so lucky to have him in my life again.

Enough about Tyler, I'm literally waiting for my name to be called to go up on stage and officially be a college graduate.

I've already started applying for jobs relating to my major, so I can quit my job at IHOP as soon as I possibly can. I'm so excited to begin my career and fully emerge myself into the adult world.

I stayed in my own little world until I heard my name get called.

"Chloe Moseley" the dean announced. (A/N I did not go to college nor did I graduate HS in person, so I'm not sure how this realistically works)

I stood up and made my way to the stage, anxiety began to eat at me when I realized that thousands of people are staring at me as I walked onto the stage.

I shook hands with everybody and was handed my degree. I could hear my family, Tyler and Leah cheering for me as I walked across the stage.

It hurts that my mom isn't here to watch me graduate, but I'd take having an absent mother over whatever the hell she was any day of the week.

I walked off stage and sat back in my seat, waiting for the graduation to end.


After another hour, the graduation was finally over. We all threw our caps in the air in celebration of our accomplishments.

Once I picked my cap up off of the ground, I began the hunt for my family. It wasn't hard to find them because Tyler has a swarm of people around him and my family is awkwardly standing off to the side, waiting for the commotion to settle down.

I approached my family and they all gave me a hug.

"I'm so proud of you, sweetie" my dad said, hugging me to the point I can't breathe.

"Dad... I can't... breathe" I squeaked out. He chuckled as he let me go and kissed my forehead.

"I can't believe you graduated" my sister stated, giving me a hug.

"Is that serious or sarcastic?" I asked.

"Both. It seems like you started going to school like three days ago and I'm surprised you graduated because you were more focused on boys for 75% of it" she explained. I laughed and shook my head. Leah gave me a quick hug and congratulated me.

I waited for Tyler to politely shoe away the crowd, so he could talk to me.

"I'm so proud of you." He told me before he leaned down to kiss me. It felt like the whole world melted behind us and that it was just us. It always feels like time stops when we kiss and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"How would you feel about us all going out to dinner to celebrate your accomplishment?" My dad asked as Tyler and I pulled away from each other. I nodded and we made our way to the parking lot to leave the school. This is the last time I'll ever be on this campus. It's kind of bittersweet.

Leah and I got into Tyler's car and my dad and sister got into my dad's car. We all buckled up and pulled out of the parking lot.


We got to the restaurant and now we're all seated and waiting on our food.

"How does it feel to be a college graduate?" My dad asked.

"I'm not sure yet, give me a day or two to process it" I laughed.

"You're gonna do great things with that degree, Chloe" he replied.

"I couldn't have done it without you, dad" I told him.

"You girls are growing up quick. I have one girl in college and one that just graduated, it seems like yesterday I was changing your diapers" he stated, getting emotional. He wiped his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Don't cry, dad. You're gonna make me cry" I chuckled, blinking away a tear I had in my eye.

"Sorry, I'm not meaning to get emotional. It's just hard to process how fast time moves" he smiled.

We continued to talk and joke around and have a good time. Our food came and right before we dug in, Tyler decided to get everybody's attention, at our table, at least.

"What's going on, Tyler?" I asked as I felt everybody's eyes fall on us.

"So, I've been thinking..." he began as he got down onto one knee. I felt my cheeks turn a deep shade of red, knowing that everybody in the restaurant is watching us.

"Tyler..." I trailed.

"You're the only girl I have ever felt this way about, we have been through hell and back in the past three years, I fall more and more in love with you as the days go on. I want you to be in my life forever. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" He asked, pulling a box out of his pocket and opening it, presenting me the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. I felt my eyes well up with tears- tears of happiness of course.

"Yes, Tyler! I will marry you!" I replied, excitedly. Tyler put the ring on my finger and stood up. I threw my arms around him and our lips hit each other.

This day couldn't get any better. I'm a college graduate, I'm engaged. This is the best day of my life. Every hardship I've had academically and relationship wise in the past few years was worth it.

I'm gonna be beginning my career and I'm gonna be marrying the man I had a crush on since I was fourteen years old.

I'm no longer a fangirl. This isn't a fangirl crush anymore. I am deeply in love with this man and I can't believe that I'm gonna be Mrs. Seguin.

Everything feels like a dream. The best dream I've ever had...

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