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I woke up, Tyler wasn't in bed with me anymore, the sun was shining in through his window.

All I could think about was the kiss that Tyler and I had last night. I can't help but think that we're meant to be more than friends, I don't want to rush anything, that was our mistake when we first met, we just dove straight into our relationship without getting to know each other.

I checked my phone to see the time.


Damn. I forgot that I had a class today. Oops. By the time I get down to my school, the class would have ended, so there's no point. I don't have anymore classes today, so I'm free for the rest of the day. I also have a day off from work, too. So, I'm free for the rest of the day.

I also had a text from Tyler.


Sorry, that I wasn't
there when you woke
up, I had practice. I'll
be back at around one,
help yourself to
whatever is in the
kitchen, you know
where everything is.
I haven't changed


I might as well take a quick shower and get a bowl of cereal. I went downstairs to get a bowl of cereal before I took a shower.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl out of the cabinet and found a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and poured some milk into the bowl.

I ate my cereal and washed the bowl and spoon I used and went upstairs for a shower.


I got done with my shower and was pleasantly surprised by Tyler being back when I got finished getting myself ready for the day.

"How was practice?" I asked him.

"It was good, how'd you sleep?" He asked.

"Good" I replied. There was tension in the air. It felt a little awkward.

"So, about that kiss last night..." he trailed. I was hoping he wouldn't bring that up.

"I was super tired last night and wasn't thinking straight" I explained.

"No, no. It's fine. It just reminded me of how much I missed kissing you" he told me.

"I don't want to rush things, Tyler" I told him.

"I don't want to either, but I'm here when you're ready" he replied.

At this point, it seems like it's almost inevitable that we're gonna get back together but my stupid fears are getting in the way. I don't wanna get hurt again, but that's the same cycle we keep going through.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, giving him a hug. He hugged me in return.

"I forgot that I had class today" I told him.

"Oh shit. Will you be able to make it on time?" He asked.

"No, it just ended about thirty minutes ago." I replied.

"What do you wanna do today?" He asked.

"I don't know, what do you wanna do today?" I shot back.

"I don't know, that's why I asked you, dork" he replied.

"Well, I don't know either. I should probably do some homework, though. I have a ten page essay due on Friday that I haven't even started" I told him.

"So, you're gonna go home?" He asked, seeming a little bummed that I said I needed to do my homework.

"Yeah, but you can come with me, if you want" I offered.

"Sure, I'd love to distract you while doing your homework" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my keys off of his kitchen counter.


We got to my dorm and I dug out my laptop. I sat on my bed and opened up Microsoft Word as Tyler was being nosy and going through my stuff.

"As much of a party boy I used to be back in the day, I've actually never been in the dorms here" he brought up.

"You're saying that as if you're some old man" I laughed.

"I am. Thirty-one is old" he replied. I rolled my eyes.

"You need to stop rolling your eyes, they're gonna get stuck and then all you'll be able to see for the rest of your life is your brain" he joked.

"I'm pretty sure that's not how it works, but okay" I replied.

"No, that's exactly how it works" he shot back.

"There's a reason you play hockey, Tyler. Let's stick to the things we know" I told him.

"Ouch. You just called me stupid" he laughed.

"It's okay, I'm stupid, too." I assured him. He rolled his eyes at me and threw one of my pillows at me.

"Rude." I replied. He stuck his tongue out at me.

"You're being a child, Seguin" I told him as I began to type.

"No, you are" he shot back.

"You're the one who threw a pillow at me and stuck your tongue out at me" I reminded.

"Don't lie, you love it" he smirked. I rolled my eyes. He did say he was going to distract me and boy oh boy, he is doing a great job of it.

"No, I don't" I replied as my dorm room door swung open. Leah must be home.

"Hi" I said, scaring the fuck out of Leah.

"Holy shit! You scared me!" She replied, dropping her bag and holding her chest.

"Sorry" I laughed.

"I see you brought a guest" she stated.

"I did" I replied.

"Are you gonna introduce him?" She asked as she sat down on her bed.

"Oh yeah. Leah, this is Tyler. Tyler, this is Leah" I introduced, Tyler put his hand out for her to shake it and she reluctantly shook it.

"Is this the same Tyler that cheated on you before we met?" She asked.

"Yes" I replied.

"I swear to God, Tyler, if you hurt my best friend again, your balls will be found in an Arby's dumpster in San Antonio" she threatened to him. I held in my laughter at how oddly specific her threat was.

"Uh- I- uh-" Tyler stuttered, speechless.

"Leah!" I scolded.

"What? You're my best friend and I'm protecting you!" She defended.

"Um... I don't exactly know how to react to that threat. That was very specific... but... uh... I don't plan on hurting her again, I lost her once and I don't intend on losing her again" he explained.

"Good. I have my eye on you" she said, squinting at him. I laughed at her. She's a little weird but I love her.

"Anywho! What are you guys anyway? Are y'all just friends or are y'all together or what?" She asked.

"We're just friends" I said.

"I've never seen friends of the opposite sex put their hands on their friend's thigh" she pointed out. I didn't even realized that Tyler's hand was on my thigh. He quickly retracted it and crossed his arms.

"I swear, we're just friends" I assured her. She rolled her eyes.

"Sure... But if y'all are gonna have sex, be quiet or do it when I'm gone" she replied. I blushed.

That was the weirdest interaction I have ever been through.

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