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Chloe's POV


I spent the whole night crying, my dad is gonna let me move in with him. I haven't seen him since I started talking to Tyler, I feel bad about it now because I wasted my time.

My sister is helping me pack my things. I wanna be out of the house before Tyler gets home. He'll be home in about six hours, so I kinda gotta work fast.

I'm leaving everything Tyler gave me and throwing out any of the things I gathered over the years that have pictures of him on it or his name on it. This is what happens when you date someone you fangirled over. You get your heart broken.

I wanna hate Tyler so bad, I hate that I still love him, even though he did me dirty.

Tyler hasn't even replied to the text I sent him last night. He probably doesn't even care that he broke my heart, he's probably ecstatic that I broke up with him. Now, he can bang whoever he wants without consequence.

Part of me wants to stay and hear him out but the other part of me never wants to see him or hear him again.

My phone vibrated, indicating that I had a text. I hoped it was Tyler but at the same time I was dreading the fact that it could possibly be Tyler.

It was Jake.

I opened the text to read it.



How are you holding up?

I sighed. I don't know how I'm holding up, my emotions are all over the place. I decided to text him back.


I wish I could say I
was holding up okay
but tbh idk how I'm
holding up. My
feelings are all over
the place. I'm sad,
angry, hurt and
relieved that I was
told about it bc he
probably would have
hid it from me.


I'm sorry that he
did this. Are you
gonna try to talk
to him when he
gets back?


Probably not. I really
don't wanna see his
face or hear his voice.
I don't want him to try
to convince me to stay
when I'm still so


Do you wanna
hang out when I
get back?


Sure. When do you get


At like 8 tonight


Ok, you wanna hang
out tonight or tmrw?



Tonight if that's
cool with you


Yeah that's fine. Just
let me know when
you're home and I'll
come over

It's probably not a good idea to go over to Jake's but I don't care. If Tyler doesn't care about what I think about the things he does, why should I care what he thinks?

I'm not saying that hanging out with Jake is gonna lead to anything, I just need a friend more than ever and Raelynn basically wrote me off as her friend. So, Jake is the next best thing.

Now to get back to packing.

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