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Tyler's POV


"-I seriously don't know why you give this chick the time of day" Jamie stated. We just got done with practice and now we're hanging out for a bit.

"I love her" I replied.

"Dude, there's so many reasons why you guys shouldn't be together" he told me.

"Okay, name one" I told him.

"I can name several. The biggest one is that she's a creep, she broke into our locker room. She's a liar, who lies about having family in different state? She's hurt you by lying to you and getting with another guy on our team less than a month after you guys broke up. She won't tell you that she loves you and she won't have sex with you. What redeeming qualities does she have besides looks?" He asked.

"You don't know anything about her! I hurt her too! And she might not have sex with me or feel comfortable saying that she loves me yet but I'm not gonna force her to do anything she doesn't feel comfortable with! She's perfect in every way to me! She's smart, funny, beautiful and has such a kind soul! I don't appreciate you talking shit about her! You're one of my best friends, you're supposed to be supportive!" I snapped.

"I'm not gonna be supportive if I feel you're being played. I'm being a good friend by looking out for you, I'm not gonna pretend to be supportive just to make you feel better" he replied.

"I'm not being played" I told him.

"You don't know that, you're so blinded by love that you can't see that she isn't meant for you, she's a walking red flag. Even Katie was able to sense that just from meeting her for the first time!" He told me.

"If you're just gonna sit here and shit talk my girlfriend, I'm just gonna go home. I don't talk shit about your girlfriend, so don't talk shit about mine" I spat, getting up from the table we were sitting at.

"Whatever, don't come crawling to me when she hurts you again" he replied. I rolled my eyes and walked away.

I don't know who he thinks he is to talk about Chloe like that. He doesn't know her like I know her. He's judging her based on a couple bad experiences, he doesn't know how funny she is, or how smart she is or just how perfect she is in general.

I don't care if I lose friends over my relationship with Chloe, if they can't respect our relationship, then they don't deserve to be in my life.


Sorry this chapter is so short, just kinda filler chapter, hope yall like the story so far!


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