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I went over to Jake's after my lunch with Tyler. I hope Tyler and I can just be friends, maybe that's why our relationship wasn't working, maybe that's why he cheated.

"What took so long? Your appointment was at ten" Jake asked.

"I had lunch with Tyler" I admitted.

"Why? I thought you weren't talking to him?" He asked, I could hear the irritation in his voice.

"My therapist recommended sitting down with Tyler and explaining how I feel about him cheating on me-" I said before he cut me off.

"If he couldn't figure that out that he hurt you on his own, then he doesn't deserve to know how you feel!" he told me, raising his voice.

"Jake! Calm down!" I said, raising my voice.

"I don't want him to hurt you again! It hurts me to see you hurt!" He explained.

"Jake, I was only doing what my therapist told me to do and it made me feel better" I told him.

"If he knows that you're not mad at him anymore, he's gonna swoop back in and take you from me again, just like he did last time" he told me. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug.

"Jake, we're friends, Tyler isn't gonna take me away from you" I replied.

"I'm afraid that he will. I know the effect he has on you, I know that you used to fangirl over him" he told me.

"How did you know that I used to fangirl over him?" I asked.

"I may or may not have looked through your things when you lived at your mom's" he admitted.

"Yes, I was a fangirl until I met him, I was a fangirl for him from the time I was fourteen until I met him" I told him.

"Never trust the pretty boys" he added.

"Tell me about it" I sighed.

"You can trust this pretty boy, though. If I had you, you would be my one and only" he told me.

"I know I could trust you" I replied. He smiled and pecked me on the lips.

"When do you have to go to work?" He asked.

"At four" I told him.

"You wanna fool around a little bit?" He smirked.

"Sure" I replied, we ran to his room to go do our thing.


Tyler's POV


I'm glad Chloe agreed to be my friend but I miss her being my girlfriend. I miss waking up next to her every morning, seeing her beautiful smile when I kiss her on the forehead before leaving for practice. I miss everything about her.

I hope Oettinger is treating her right. I know she said that they're not together but she's with him all the time. Her snapchat location always says that she's over at his place.

I still have a bobby pin that she left by the sink, I don't have courage to throw it out. That's also why I haven't erased what she wrote on the white board or taken down the white board she put on the fridge. If I get rid of those things, then it'll feel like she's gone for good, I'm not prepared for that level of acceptance.

I'm thinking about going over to Jamie's to tell him that Chloe and I are friends. He never approved of our relationship, I wish he did because he's my best friend, but it is what it is.

Fuck it. I'll go over to Jamie's, I've got nothing better to do.

I let my boys outside before I left the house.

They did their business and ran back inside. I grabbed my keys and went out to my car.


I got to Jamie's and just walked in.

"Sure! Just let yourself in!" Jamie said sarcastically as I went to his living room, where he was.

"So, Chloe and I talked..." I trailed.

"Oh geez... Please don't tell me she took you back!" He sighed. I rolled my eyes.

"She didn't but she agreed to be my friend" I told him.

"Is what's his face gonna be okay with that?" He asked.

"She said they're not in a relationship but they sure as hell act like it" I replied, chuckling out of annoyance, thinking about how Oettinger gets to touch her in all the ways that I should be.

"She probably said they're not together, so you wouldn't get upset" he shrugged.

"It just irks me because it seems like he was waiting for the opportunity to jump on that" I told him.

"He probably was, I mean, she broke up with him for you, so his feelings for her probably never went away" he replied. I sighed.

"I wish she would just take me back" I stated.

"You're better off without her" he told me.

"You're only saying that because you don't like her" I replied.

"It's not that, it's the fact that you're not meant to settle down, you've always been something of a party boy, you're more into hook-ups, not relationships" he stated. I rolled my eyes.

"She changed me, originally, I was wanting to hook-up with her but she played hard to get" I told him.

"She obviously didn't change you, you fucked another girl" he replied.

"It was one time and I was drunk, other than that, I've been faithful" I explained.

"One time is enough to completely fuck shit up." He stated.

"I know. I know. I regret doing it so fucking much." I sighed.

"Why don't you put yourself back out there? Help you get over her" he asked.

"I only want her" I replied.

"I'm not saying a relationship but go back to how you were before her, partying and one night stands" he suggested.

"I only want her" I repeated.

"I don't want you to be depressed for the rest of your life because she won't take you back" he told me.

"I'm not gonna be depressed for the rest of my life" I replied, rolling my eyes.

"I hate seeing you like this, you're causing yourself way too much grief for wanting a girl that doesn't even care about you" he said.

"She cares about me!" I told him, raising my voice.

"Chill out! I'm just saying dude, if she cared about you, she wouldn't have immediately went over to Oettinger's house as soon as you guys broke up" he told me. I rolled my eyes, but maybe he has a point.

"Maybe you have a point..." I sighed, putting my face in my hands, while leaning onto his kitchen counter.

"It's gonna be alright, Segs. You'll find someone else" he stated, patting me on the back.

He brought up a really good point but now the thought of her not caring about me is gonna plague my mind for quite a while.

Fangirl || Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now