Chapter 5: Fortresses

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Chapter 5: Fortresses

Dwalin and Gailien stand on the small balcony overlooking the entrance to Erebor. She pinches her bottom lip between her thumb and forefinger, eyes planted on the stone in front of her. Originally, she had come out here alone but Dwalin soon joined and she isn't sure if she is pleased to have the company or not.

There are so many things on her mind: Bilbo has the Arkenstone. What are they going to do with it? And what if he gets caught? Gailien knows that is something goes wrong she is going to protect the Hobbit with her life, but it may cost her something more important. She could not bear to lose their trust - their loyalty. Would Kili ad Fili look at her with betrayal or would they understand? But Thorin...unless by some miracle he is saved from the fall into madness than she is running a risk that could cost her everything. But maybe the price is worth it if it helps them. Could she deal with looks of hatred if she knows that what she is doing is right?

Then that brings her worry to the Dwarves themselves. They have been working for days on end with little rest, watching their leader fall into a pit of despair. She is worried for Kili most of all. He clings to people; people he trusts, people he looks up to and now he has to watch the man who helped raise him, become a completely different person. She hopes that Fili holds himself together for all of their sakes.

"You haven't mentioned any of your visions since we reached the mountain," Dwalin notes. He crosses his arms, leaning back against the stone. "Do you not wish to tell us or is it something else?"

Gailien sighs as another thing from the back of her mind is brought forward. "I haven't had any," she admits. The dragon scared her, there's no sugar-coating that. And it wasn't even the dragon itself that scared her but the fact that she is responsible for the people who died in Lake-town. Her decisions cost them their lives and that has loaded her with so much guilt and a fear of the responsibility that a mental block has been built up in her mind.

"That's unusual for you," Dwalin muses with narrowed eyes. Gailien shrugs. Dwalin tilts his head forward. "Do you want to talk about it? I'm not much of a listener myself but Fili's always got an open ear you ya'."

"He's got enough on his mind," she dismisses. "And I don't want to talk about it."

Dwalin sighs, puckering his lips. "We all know what you're feeling, lass. It's not easy on anybody."

"Which is exactly why I don't wish to talk about it right now. It is no use adding my worries onto somebody else who already has a mountain full of them," she snaps. "I'd prefer to help them forget, not make it worse."

"Then go do that," he suggests. "Kili is down in the treasury searching as usual. I'm sure he could use some company. Or even talk with Bofur – you'll lighten each other's moods. Durin's beard, even go try and have a conversation with Bifur if it'll get your mind off everything."

Gailien shakes her head, leaning against the stone wall. "I don't want to be down there. I came up here for the fresh air and sunlight."

Dwalin laughs softly to himself. "How are you going to live in Erebor if you don't like staying inside?" he asks rhetorically.

"I don't plan on staying in Erebor," she replies coolly. "I never did."

Dwalin looks a little put off by this information. Gailien shrugs – she has already told them that she plans on returning to the Shire with Bilbo, at least for some time. She couldn't stay in a Dwarf kingdom, not when her closest friends are the princes and Thorin to be the king. She would never truly belong. Especially if the people she would rely on for company will be busy for the most part of the days. "So, you're just going to leave Thorin behind then? Kili? Fili?" he asks, his tone hinting with accusation. Thorin is his dear friend so of course, he would be defensive.

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