Chapter 13: Broken Leg

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Chapter 13: Broken Leg

They ride up the stone stairs on the goats, Gailien's blades on either side of her as she hugs the animal under her tightly with her thighs. Any Orcs that dare come near them are slaughtered with chilling accuracy. If she is being honest with herself, she never thought she was capable to fight like this but maybe she is more of a warrior than she thought.

The goats are more than capable of handling the rocky terrain, climbing up the steep side of the rock and Gailien fears cutting Fili for a moment as she has to grip him tightly to not fall backwards. They ride over the structures into the middle of Ravenhill and Gailien leaps from the goat, landing on the back of an Orc's shoulders, her swords jamming into his head as Fili also jumps off.

The five of them fight off the Orcs around them and soon no one stands but themselves. She breathes heavily, letting her blades drop but she doesn't dare sheathe them. A small sense of accomplishment starts to run through her veins before it turns to ice. Her head snaps around, decorated with a deep frown. It's empty.

"Where is he?" Fili questions, on the same track as her. Thorin stands on the edge of a small cliff, looking over to where Azog used to stand watching the battle, their battle flags still there but not a sign of life. Gailien jogs up to Thorin, who looks over his shoulder as he hears her. "It looks empty. I think Azog has fled."

"I've only met him once," Gailien says slowly. "But he does not seem the type to flee from a battle. Especially against Durin's blood."

Thorin nods, turning around. His arm rests on her back, leading them both back down to the other three. "She's right. Fili, take your brother and Gailien. Scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight. If you see something, report back, do not engage. Do you understand?"

Fili nods and Gailien steps closer to the brothers, squeezing Thorin's hand as she passes him. But as her gaze drifts low – only for a second – her heart seems to stop in the middle of a beat. The ground.

Her blood dripping from her finger to the stone, mixing with the snow.


Gailien blinks rapidly, shaking her head as she forces her gaze back up. The Dwarves are watching her carefully, but it is Kili who calls her name. She cannot speak, so she gives him one of the most painful smiles she has ever conjured.

"We have company," Dwalin announces. "Goblin mercenaries. No more than a hundred."

"We'll take care of them," Thorin declares, holding his sword in front of him. Gailien realises that she might not see him again. Risking a spare second, she leaps forward, wrapping her hands around his neck.

"I love you," she whispers as his non-sword hand wraps around her back. He bows his head into her neck, kissing it softly.

"Be safe," he replies. "But go now." Gailien nods, pulling herself back. "Remind me to make you another bead when this is over."

She forces another smile. "I would like that."

Thorin gives her a tight smile but gestures over his shoulder with his head, the Goblin mercenaries almost upon them. "Go!"

Gailien, Fili, and Kili run off, climbing down the side of one of the rocky stairs and onto the frozen ground separating the two parts of Ravenhill. This is it. This is going to be her last stand. But she cannot be more grateful that the brothers are here with her, at her side.

They stay under the cover of overhanging rock until they reach the area they need to cross.

But is it cruel to stay with them when she knows that she is going to die? To let them watch it. But she can't do this alone. Not when she has thought that her death would be alone for most of her life now. Not now.

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