Chapter 19: Prophecies of Rings

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Chapter 19: Prophecies of Rings

Their journey through the Caradhas path continues the next morning, bright and early. It seems the knowledge of having a deadline has prompted Thorin to become even antsier about their time spent travelling. Gailien only prays that he doesn't become paranoid about it since even in his usual mood he can be irritating.

It seems her conversation with Kili last night has drawn him to her more and she couldn't shake the Dwarf from her heels if she wanted to – not that she does. She loves his company and lets him talk wildly about whatever comes to his mind and he is content with her listening to his rambles. Perhaps it is the fact that he knows she doesn't think little of him for his beard, maybe it has been on his mind for a while. Or perhaps not, and he's just been in a better mood than the previous few nights with the Elves.

Whatever it is, Gailien is fond of the distraction as she can't help but stare at the back of another certain Dwarf at the head of the company. She never really put much thought – okay, no that is a lie. She noticed the first time she met him, but the thought became buried deep in her mind as it hasn't been relative to absolutely anything. But now, the pesky little Dwarf next to her has brought it back up and she cannot push it (yeet it) out of her mind again.

Not to mention that there is absolutely nothing to do with the thought besides admiring from afar. Her dirty little secret that she can use to distract herself with on nights of boredom. As long as anybody doesn't find out. And talking about staring – she breaks her gaze away from the front of the company and back to Kili at her side. The two are the only ones who have made the effort to converse while they travel as the rest of them are spread out along the plain.

"I'm not sure if you are allowed to tell me," she says once Kili takes a pause from speaking. "But I was wondering about Dwarf braids. I was wondering if any of them had meanings?" Kili's eyes light at the subject – another thing he can talk a lot about.

"They do," he replies, adjusting the pack on his back. They are trekking along the side of a hill, with a wonderous green view and honestly one of her favourites so far. "A lot of them are used to display status, mostly with royals and nobles. Like Fili's. It's more to do with the beads than the actual way it's braided if anything. He made his own just before he came of age then on his seventy-fifth birthday, he started wearing them."

"Do you all make your own?"

"Usually. Or they're handed down from parent to child. Or the main other reason is to display courtship status."

"Really?" Gailien questions with intrigue. She always had the idea that their braids – or beads, meant something but they seem to have an entire culture themselves. "I never realised."

Kili nods, pointing out to Gloin who is a few Dwarves in front of them. "If you ever get close enough, have a look at his beads. They have the name of his wife inscribed on them. There is no set way to display courtship – it's up to the couple themselves. Some, like Gloin, make their wives beads with their own name and wear their wives' names. I've known others to just wear the other's beads, ones that are important to them. Like family heirlooms."

Gailien plays with a few strands of hair that are held in her ponytail, suddenly having an urge to braid her own hair. "You don't wear any?"

Kili shakes his head, scratching his neck. "I haven't made any yet." Probably wants to wait until he has a beard, she thinks.

She can't stop the question from leaving her mouth, but her curiosity is too much to handle. "Are any of the other Dwarves married?" None of them has spoken about any wives, even Gloin had not said anything. Gailien has never met a Dwarven woman – or maybe she has and thought they were a man. Apparently, they have facial hair as well and often present as a man when travelling.

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