Chapter 6: The Road Ahead

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Chapter 6: The Road Ahead

Bilbo Baggins' home looks as though there was never any unexpected visitors, he could almost pass it off as a bad dream. But alas, the dwarves have left, leaving an unsigned contract as the only evidence of their appearance at all.

Gailien has been given a black and white paint pony called Clove. He has quite the attitude, typical for a small horse but hers seems to have one more so than the rest. He shook he head, stomped his hoof, ears flattening against his head as she had mounted him. But he is a good pony to ride if you put those things aside and once the pace has been set, the pony seems to forget it even has someone on his back in the first place.

Thorin and Gandalf lead the company through the woods, leading out of the Shire without Bilbo but Gailien (as well as Bofur and Gandalf) know that he is bound to show up sooner or later. She rides next to Bofur and Ori, the two dwarves she finds herself most comfortable around. Of course, there are the princes but Gailien feels almost intruding when she is with them both.

"I think we should have a wager, laddies!" Bofur calls out to the company. They ride in the middle, letting his voice be heard in both directions. He glances at the girl, giving her a subtle wink.

"What type of wager?" Nori, the dwarf with the very odd hair shape questions as the dwarves' interest raise at Bofur's proposition. Gailien can almost feel their excitement from the way they shuffle in their saddles.

"Whether our hobbit will show up or not," Bofur responds. He can almost feel the new weight of gold in his pocket. Gailien is also anticipating the new heaviness in her gold sack. It isn't very heavy to begin with. Her coin comes from game, sold to nearby villages, often to those who cannot hunt themselves.

"The hobbit?" Gloin exclaims. "He wouldn't leave the Shire if we dragged him by his feet."

Many of the dwarves agree though Thorin is the one to stay mostly silent. Gailien almost feels brave enough to egg him on and join the betting. Almost. She's satisfied by seeing the amusement in his eyes as his head flicks over his shoulder once or twice. The dwarves begin calling their bets, even Gandalf joining the wagering. Of course, he wages that the hobbit will show up.

"What about you, Gailien?" Kili is the one to ask, riding up beside her, leaving his brother. Gailien shrugs innocently. One hand leaves the reigns, a finger rising to tap of her temple.

"I'm not sure it would be fair," she remarks. Kili's mouth opens and he rides even closer, leaning a little in his saddle.

"Can you tell me?" he questions her in a hushed voice. Gailien's face morphs into mock offence. Kili's own face drops at hers, not thinking that it would have been such a big deal, just a joking advantage.

"I will not help you cheat," she hisses at him. Kili swallows, nodding slightly as he slows his horse back down to wait for his brother. The girl almost feels a little bad about how he has reacted, but she commends her own acting skills. With a side look to Bofur (who would not be happy that he has a price to pay for his knowledge) and she is sure he isn't watching, Gailien slows her own horse down. Kili notices her but tries to avoid her gaze, already feeling embarrassed enough.

As she rides next to him, her hand reaches over, latching onto his elbow. Kili looks over, seeing the small smirk on her face. Her head nods ever so slightly that it would be missed to anybody but Kili whose face changes back to its normal cheekiness. Fili catches up to them as they still ride slow, his eyes flicker at the exchange that he has missed. Gailien smiles at Fili, before nudging her horse back into a trot to return to Bofur and Ori.

Kili beams as he and his brother start riding together. Fili looks once up at the girl then to his brother. "What was that about," he asks.

"Nothing to worry about, dear brother," Kili smirks, feeling confident as they would soon call out their own bets. Fili huffs at his brother's response.

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