Chapter 7: Her Tale to Tell

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Chapter 7: Her Tale to Tell

It is more horrid than she remembers. As soon as the Elven gate disappeared from their sights, the forest coated them in darkness. The only way to tell that it is still day is by the small rays of light through the canopy of the tallest trees. But Gailien's eyes are not facing the sky, they are facing the ground and her eyes are planted on the stone path that they are following. She only looks up to ensure that the entire company is still behind her.

Once or twice she has had a small panic, not being able to see Bilbo over the other Dwarves, or Bofur who fell behind but they have not made any fatal mistakes yet. Or run into any of the forest's inhabitants.

Gailien isn't sure if it is her Elf sense or if the forest is just stronger than she remembers, but she can physically feel the air seeping in through her orifices, the subtle touch playing at her mind. And it hasn't even yet been a day. But she tries to keep her wits about her, knowing that as soon as she gives into whatever tricks it intends to play on her, they will become reality.

With her partially distracted mind, she shakes her head and brings herself back to the road. The road. Her feet stumble over a grassy land – not one of stone. She spins her body around, wide fearful eyes.


They have been calling her name, still standing on the path. Thorin is only one foot off it, stretching a hand out towards her. They still have the path. An audible sigh of relief passes her lips, her hand covering her mouth to pinch her nose.

"I'm sorry. The forest, it's-"

"I know," Thorin cuts her off, still holding his hand out to her. "Come back."

The company is behind them, waiting with impatience. Some of them are talking nonsense, eyes floating around. It seems for every Dwarf that is lucid, there is another that is feeling the effects worse. Gailien silently steps forward, reaching out for Thorin's hand. Her fingers slide through his and he tugs her back onto the stone path. She had taken a right instead of a left.

She follows the path the opposite way, Thorin letting go of her hand once she passes him. Guilt ripples through her veins. She was almost the cause of getting lost. If they had not been focusing... she doesn't dare think what would happen first.

Although her slight mishap is nothing to be happy about, it does provide her with a clearer mind, the fear on the forefront of her thoughts which keeps her sharper than before. Like a rush of energy that blocks pain, her fear blocks the darkness.

"Is everybody still with us?" she asks Dwalin. He checks over his shoulder, counting off in his head. Once he nods, Gailien focuses back onto the road. "We will need to stop soon. It is too much of a risk to try and travel through anything darker than this. Even my eyes are straining to see."

"And my eyes aren't what they used to be a hundred years ago," Thorin adds in agreement. "Let us try and find a small clearing to make camp. Will it be safe to make a fire?" He looks around sceptically as though something might be lurking around them – and something very well might be.

"We're going to want one," she replies. "The light won't travel far in here and anything close enough to see it...well, they won't need a fire to see us."

The company pushes on until they find a small clearing, just wide enough that the Dwarves can huddle around it and not be lying over trees. Thorin begins giving out orders, but there isn't many to give besides to stay in sight and to make a campfire.

Although she has been assured numerous times, she is not content until she has personally seen each and every member of the company for herself.

"I'll go get some firewood," Ori, declares but Gailien quickly shakes her head, striding over the grip his shoulder.

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