Chapter 22: Under the Moonlight

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Chapter 22: Under the Moonlight

Gailien sits in the common room of their temporary house, staring at her own palm. They are just lines, created by both years of work and her birth yet some people place so much importance on them. Who would she be without her visions? She certainly would not be here – possibly still back in Mirkwood.

The feast, or banquet – whatever it is, is tonight and Thorin is the guest of honour. She has even been given a dress to wear. It is a child's make, and nothing fancy but it has been so long since she has had the luxury of wearing such a hindering outfit without consequences that it sits ready on her cot. It is a dark blue, like the colour of her old shirt with lace trimmings around the neck-lining at it pinches at the waist with a matching coloured belt. Even in its simplicity, it looks far too nice for the Lake-town economy. Though the Master has plenty of gold to spare it seems.

Gailien is excited to the feast, not wanting the pleasant days to end but the Master is becoming anxious for their departure, not wanting to spend any more money on them. But last night she had fallen asleep outside as they stayed out, wrapped in their blankets until the latest hours of the day, possibly those of today's early morning and she had not focused on opening her mind to any visions.

She has still had smaller unplanned ones such as Kili spilling his breakfast on himself. She had definitely debated preventing that from happening and only made her mind up moments before, walking beside him and as the bowl slipped from his fingers, Gailien was already waiting to catch it, sending the younger Dwarf a wink.

Yet still, nothing appeared to her that had any sort of relevance to this quest.

That midday she had taken the promised chips for Tilda who eye's brightened lighter than the stars she had seen the previous night. Gailien has never had any experience with younger children, especially human ones so it made her feel proud that she could bring joy to one. Like Kili, the way to her heart was through food.

Her cheeks blush at the memories of the night before, cursing herself for being The constant want to be close, craving his touch and having to quite literally control her breathing as his fingers continued tracing her palm, even after they moved their arms back under the blankets when they started to feel too cold.

Most of the Dwarves have taken the day to wander the markets and get out of the house – already feeling couped in the small space. Fili and one or two other Dwarves decided to stay in the house along with Gailien, lounging around. Fili had been given a new arsenal of knives from Lake-town's armoury. They are nowhere near the craftsmanship of the Elves or the Dwarves, but they would do better than the knives that they use to butter their bread.

Gailien's legs lay outstretched in front of her as her back leans against the back of the counters for storage. The blonde prince pushes off from the table he leans against, sauntering lazily over to Gailien, joining her on the floor.

"There are much comfier spots to sit you know," he remarks, adjusting himself to try and get comfortable against the hard and cold wood floor.

"This is the spot my heart desired," Gailien muses half-heartedly. "But my legs are going numb, I'll admit." She also shifts in her seat, drawing her legs underneath her instead, crossed over one another. "Didn't feel like going to the markets with Kili?"

"Nah," he shrugs. "My new knives needed sharpening. And I thought you'd like the company after a while."

"Did I look that bored?"

"Not bored," Fili confesses slowly. He leans in as though to tell her a secret. "But a little lost."

Gailien cocks her chin out to the side, stretching her neck. She blinks slowly trying to not to show emotion on her face. "I don't why you'd think that."

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