Chapter 20: The Last Stand

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Chapter 20: The Last Stand

"Dale," she breathes. It is beaming with life. The markets are as full as the streets they are lined on. People of all ages wander through, the children running with their friends while their mothers bargain.

"It's lovely isn't it?" Fili says, coming up to stand next to her. "Kili and I come down here when we can. At first, we were just helping them rebuild but I love seeing what travelling merchants bring."

It is a chip off her guilt. Though the plagues on her mind had left, the guilt never did, and she doesn't think it ever will but being able to see them teaming with life helps her more than she can admit. They are much more well off then they were in Lake-town, both economically and socially it seems.

"We're almost home," the brunette sighs with content. The Lonely Mountain stands proudly behind Dale, no doubt just as lively and rich. Gailien grins, hardly believing her eyes.

"Thank you. I wouldn't have been able to if you both didn't decide to come to the Shire." Her grins dimmers suddenly as her legs grow weaker by the second. As her knees give out, her arms reach out to the sides. It alerts the brothers just in time to hold her from falling onto her knees, but her head lops forward, breathing heavily. The fall to a kneel, tipping her back.

Fili knows it in his heart that they really do not have the time to admire Dale anymore. Her eyes are sunken and dark, contrasting her Elvishly pale skin. A few people around them stop to stare, debating whether they should offer help. Gailien grips onto consciousness with a quite literal death grip. Forcing her eyes open, she calms her breathing back down.

"We have to keep going," he states.

"She needs rest," Kili protests. "We've been walking all day." True, the sun is now on the lower half of its journey, and the market stalls will be closing soon.

"I don't think she has the time for rest," Fili adds slowly. It will not be rest she gets if they allow her to stop.

Kili stares at his brother then looks to Erebor. "We leave our packs here. We'll be quicker without them." There isn't anything in their packs that are worth more than a few coins anyway. Fili nods in agreement, shrugging his pack off.

Gailien clenches her eyes shut, pulling her own weight up. Their hands come to assist but she pushes them away, turning onto her hands and knees. "I want...I-I want to walk."

Kili couches in front of her, cupping her cheeks. "You cannot."

"Don't tell me what I can and cannot do, dilthen er," she grunts, gathering the energy to stand.

"Then let us help you," he pushes, searching her eyes. "Please."

Gailien doesn't answer, only glancing to Fili for his advice and help. Fili sighs, shaking his head. "For Durin's sake just let us help you."

"Ok," she agrees in a whisper. Kili leans forward, resting his forehead against her before rising to his feet, pulling her along with him. "Your fringe needs a cut again."

"You can do it tonight if you want," he offers, pulling her arm over his shoulder. Her other goes around Fili, spreading her weight but allowing her to at least keep her feet on the ground. Gailien attempts to nod but fears her head will not lift back up if she drops it.

"You trust me?"

"More than anything."

"When will Maira be back in Erebor?" she questions, already feeling breathless as they reach the edge of the city. The long path to Erebor lies ahead of them. "I really want to meet her."

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