Part 3 - Chapter 1: The Black Arrow Part 2

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Chapter 1: The Black Arrow Part 2

Bilbo Baggins climbs over a rock, just past the entrance to the Lonely Mountain. They have barely escaped with their own lives and now the company has to watch as the beast they unleashed flies towards the provincial town where two of their own are still located.

He looks back to the company, but they look just as mournful and dumbstruck as him. "What are we going to do?" he asks, leaping down from the rock. "Gailien and Bofur are still down there. Not to mention the rest of Lake-town."

"What can we do?" Dwalin grunts bluntly. "There is no stopping him."

"Gailien knew this was going to happen," Fili realises. "Thorin said she stayed behind for a reason. Why would she want to be there? She...She has to have a plan or something!"

"She is a has a strong will, but I don't think it will be enough to face a dragon, Fili," Balin sighs.

Kili shakes his head, sucking his lips. He stalks forward onto the rock that Bilbo stood on, his brother joining him. Smaug has reached the town and the first breath of fire blows from his mouth, engulfing homes in his flames. "She didn't say goodbye," Kili says to his brother. "She didn't say goodbye because she knows that she's coming back."

Fili nods with tight lips, patting his brother's back.

"Or she knew she wouldn't be," Gloin states from behind them. Fili's head snaps over his shoulder, glaring at the red-haired Dwarf but Kili chooses to ignore it. "Goodbye's are hard when you know they're forever."

"Where is Thorin?" Oin questions. Bilbo gestures to his side, down a small hill. The Dwarves shuffle closer to his viewpoint. Thorin stands alone, staring at the mountain. There is no telling what his thoughts are, but they lie in the mountain, not even taking notice of the town's desolation.


Smoke fills her lungs as she continues running through the town. Fire burns in all directions as Smaug flies over them freely, choosing where his next victims lay. Gailien recognises where she is and that only makes her booted feet run faster, the turns mapping themselves in her head.

People try to flee by all means. Running along the roads, taking boats. Some are even trying to swim. There is an explosion behind her, but she only hears it, not risking wasting any time to look at something that she cannot help.

She watches with disgust as the Master's boat sails past her. It is loaded with what seems to be the entire town's treasury and only the Master and Alfrid aboard. She hopes nothing but what they deserve comes to them.

Then she spots another boat. This time her feet do slow down so she can speak to them. Bofur notices her. "Lass! You have to jump on, you'll die here!" Bofur, Bard's three children and surprisingly, Tauriel who directs them are onboard. Gailien shakes her head. If she does die here, then at least she'll go down in flames. Literally. It is a morbid thought, but it is ironic since that is exactly how she has her funeral arrangements written in her contract. Doesn't look like they'll have to do much for her at this stage.

"Just get them out of here!" she exclaims. "I've still got something to do."

She picks her pace up to speed once more, rounding a corner. Bofur sighs with frustration and concern as she does. He is already imagining having to deliver the news. If the rest of the company are even still alive.

Gailien finally finds it, recalling the buildings she had run past. Her eyes trace the lines from building to water as she jogs down the path, trying to find the exact spot. But her memory is foggy, and it wasn't something she had taken special note in.

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