Chapter 1: Old Friends

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Chapter 1: Old Friends

A young girl, or what would appear as a young girl to untrained eyes sits around a campfire, the orange licks of its flame the only thing besides the white moon and stars to grace her with any light. Her hands are held out in front of her, soaking up the warmth the flames have to offer her. Her cloak which is wrapped tightly around her shoulders provides little warmth against the cool air of the night.

Behind her is an old cottage style home. Its walls have broken down after many years of abandonment and weather, but it provided enough protection against the elements for the young – but not so young - girl. The only thing it could not provide that she needed is a fireplace, and not wanting to risk burning the entire structure down, she built it outside.

She hears him coming before she sees him, a gift from the elvish blood running through her veins, though one would not guess she is elven at first glance.

"I hope you are having a splendid night, Mithrandir," she greets out into the darkness of the night, not looking up from her small fire. The Grey wizard isn't surprised that the girl knew he is here.

"Did you see me coming?" he guesses, sitting down on the log with the girl, taking in the heat of the fire as well. His grey cloaks kept him warm, yes, but a fire provides a warmth belonging to the realm of comfort that clothes cannot offer, a fact well known by the girl.

"No, Mithrandir, I heard you. You are noisier than a herd of Rohan horses," she smirks, lifting her gaze from the fire. "But yes, I also saw you coming. What brings you to my humble, temporary abode?"

"Have you not seen that either?" he questions, peering at the girl curiously. She has always been a bit of a mystery to him, more so because she often surprised herself as well, leaving her actions unpredictable to everybody. She laughs, shaking her head.

"No, though I haven't been trying to." She tilts her head forward accusingly. "Why? What have you got planned under that over-sized hat of yours?" Her eyes pierce through to him, even in the darkness but they have no effect on the wizard, already knowing of her kind nature. She would not harm a fly if she had the choice.

"I have a proposition to make," he says, adjusting his hat self-consciously. The girl sits up straighter, taking a new interest in the wizard's visit. It isn't often that someone in Middle Earth is given a proposition by a wizard.

"A proposition?" she muses. "And please, do tell what it is about."

It isn't as though she has much to do with her life anyway except for survival and the occasional exploration. She always wonders what other people like to fill their time on Middle Earth on, if not just to see the unknown. Others probably have families and friends, she supposes. The girl does have her own friends but they are not the sort that you find yourself living near and going down to the markets together, more so the type of friends you cross paths with, share a drink and continue moving on.

Gandalf takes out his pipe, his lips curling around the thin long end.

"Have you met any dwarves before?" he asks. Her head tilts to the side, thinking that it is an odd answer to her question, but then again, it is not really an answer at all if it is another question, but she answers anyway.

"Of course, I have," she answers. "Stubborn things but brave of heart. I'll be right to assume that dwarves are involved in this plan of yours?"

She has come across their race plenty of times, usually working in forges or craft shops. She enjoys their company, but they did not always enjoy hers. They are intriguing characters, their blood rooted deep in a sense of loyalty to their own kin, one such loyalty that she has never experienced within her own.

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