Chapter 19: Cracked Spirit

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*Please note that chapter 17 and 18 have been removed but should not impact the overall narrative*

Chapter 19: Cracked Spirit

Her chest rises slowly with each breath, taking the time to memorise the scent of the grassy fields and the sun warming her face. Her eyes watch over the edge of Kili's shoulder a small family of birds flying around the trees on the edge of Mirkwood. What she wouldn't give to be a bird without thoughts. Without worries. Just soaring in the air and the wind in her feathers. With not knowing what she does.

Kili's hand slowly rubs along her back as he watches the entrance, waiting for his brother and an Elvish escort. Her arms are hung around his shoulders as she sits over his leg, her own resting out past his side. "Dorth- awake an nin," he murmurs, brushing her hair behind her ear. Gailien adjusts her head in answer, not being able to bring herself to use her voice. "Gailien?" He leans backwards, guiding her outwards facing eyes back towards him. It doesn't calm his worries as they are only half-open, watching his own face. He moves his hands back down, pulling her to the other side of his lap so can keep an eye on her more, resting her head against his collarbone.

"Avon," she finally answers. Wanting to find something new to keep her mind awake, she takes his hand, latching onto his pointer finger and places it on her leg. She begins tracing the Dwarvish rune on her bead with it. "Karr'a."

Kili smiles, nodding his head. He traces another one on in own accord and Gailien watches, letting his hand guides hers in the same motion. "Kili," he says. She smiles, tracing it herself to match it. "Perfect." He traces another one, her eyes followed every line. She copies it once again, almost perfectly. Finishing, she looks up for both confirmation and a meaning. "Erebor," he answers.

It is the utmost honour to her to have Dwarvish runes and language being taught to her. She is likely one of the very few people to ever have it taught to them. Taking her finger, Kili traces another two runes together – a phrase. He lets her finger go, allowing her to do it over herself. Forgetting the second one, he helps her once more. She glances back up, waiting for a translation.

He takes a deep breath, losing his smile. "Dorzada." Gailien's own smile slowly slips, not understanding the word but hearing pain behind it. It is the same one he used last night. He shakes his head, forcing a smile back.


Fili marches out of the entrance to the Mirkwood forest, two brown haired Elves stopping just at the edge of the line. Fili's pouch of gold now empty but the journey would be shortened by numerous weeks. Kili manoeuvres to his feet, keeping a hold of the woman.

"She's gotten worse," he mutters as his brother walks over. Fili glances down at her, her eyes almost shut but he can see the movements of her blinking.

"Then let's not waste time then."

They have downsized their packs permanently into two. One a little fuller than the other and to be carried by the person not supporting Gailien.

"I want to walk," she says, shifting her legs which hang of Kili's arm.

"It's fine," Kili argues. "I have you."

"I want to," she restates. Kili glances up to his brother who nods, and he slowly lets her legs drop back down to the ground but doesn't let go of her back. "Let's go."

The three of them make their way back to the entrance. The two Elves instantly recognise the status of the female. It had already been established that they would be escorting the Princes of Erebor (to ensure that they dared not do anything) and who Fili declared as the future queen.

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