Chapter 19: The Weapons of Lake-Town

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Chapter 19: The Weapons of Lake-town

Dwalin is the first the be sent up, Bombur and Gloin pushing him up into the toilet. He sends a threat to Bain, clambering out. They send Bilbo up next who looks just about ready to curl up in a ball. The hands are still on Gailien's arms, as the pair slowly move closer to the hole, watching as the next few Dwarves are pushed out of the water.

It is her turn next, situating herself underneath it, Bain's head just poking into sight. Thorin's hands trail down her arms as he lowers himself. Bofur comes to her other side, kneeling down so his chin just breaks the water surface. Though Bofur's hands just clasp in the water, ready the catch her foot, Thorin takes his time, letting his fingers trail along the side of her leg before wrapping around them, interlocking his own fingers in front so the back of her leg can balance against his shoulder.

She places her own on their shoulders, stepping into the ready hands. Together, they lift her higher out of the water. Letting the hand on Bofur go, she reaches up to grab the side of the wooden toilet to steady herself. She glances down, (an unnecessary movement since all she needs to do is bring her other hand up) meeting Thorin's eyes who stare up at her, his chin resting against her outer thigh. Forcing her thoughts away, she quickly lifts the hand from his shoulder, letting it rise to the edge of the wood by her neck.

With a mix of her own strength, the Dwarves assisting her and Bain's assistance, she heaves herself out of the toilet and onto Bard's floor. She grins at the young boy. "Thank you." He nods shyly, waiting for the next Dwarf.

Gailien wanders up through the house into the main area where the Dwarves huddle around a fire. There are two people that Gailien doesn't recognise. Two girls, one older than Bain and the other much younger. Bard's two girls. Gailien barely reaches the height of the youngest.

The older walks over to Gailien holding out a thick blanket. "Oh," Gailien says. "Thank you." She takes the material. It is nowhere as near as soft as Elven blankets, but it is thick, and no doubt made for warmth. Unfolding it, she wraps it around her shoulders as the next Dwarves start piling into the room behind her.

Gailien glances around, trying to find the source of warmth and almost cries as she sees a fire lit. Scampering over, she joins Bilbo in standing in front of it. "I thought my bones were beginning to freeze," she muses to the Hobbit.

"Who would ever choose to live in this place?" Bilbo questions lowly, being sure that their host doesn't hear his insult.

"People who don't have the choice," Gailien points out, rubbing her hands together. As the rest of the Dwarves finally arrive, Gailien leaves the fire to join the brothers who stand near the large seating area. "Not frozen yet?" she teases, giving Kili a subtle visual check.

"I think my feet are," Fili replies.

"Are my lips blue?" Kili asks, looking between them with seriousness. "They feel blue." Though his skin is pale, his lips are in fact, not blue. Gailien chuckles softly.

"Do you want another blanket, dilthen er?" she asks, half teasing, half-serious. "There's a fire, come sit closer." The brothers follow her advice, moving closer to the hearth. As though to test her boundaries, she extends her arm, letting her hands rest against Kili's back. He did not want her to baby him, but surely he would not see her offer of comfort as that? She rubs his back softly, watching for any negative emotion to glimmer in his eyes but there is only a placid relaxation as he watches the fire.

"They may not be the best fit, but they'll keep you warm," Bard says as his daughters begin handing out some clothes. Tilda, the youngest, hands Gailien some clothes. Gailien takes them with thanks, about to go back to her thoughts but notices the shy gaze the girl has as Fili and Kili have not yet noticed her. She nudges the brothers with her foot, gesturing to the girl with her eyes.

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