Chapter 15: Whisperings

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Chapter 15: Whisperings

Gailien saunters back to the company under the still young night sky. Once upon a time, her favourite part of the day was morning, when the sun had just risen, and new light warmed the lands. A new day ahead of her with hopes for beautiful weather and new adventures. But then once her life turned over, she began to find comfort in the night and the peace that it brings. The stars have brought her to tears before – just from gazing at them and she became hyper-aware of the reality around her. It also meant that it is time to build a fire where she nearly cooks herself with its heat.

She turns down one of the corridors leading out to the dwarves' camp where she intends to spend the rest of the night until she feels like sleep. A soft smile on her face from the day's events. Sure, they could have been better, but everybody is alive and well and the map has been read.

Her head turns slightly on instinct as she hears voices come from a small balcony in an antechamber. Kili, Fili, and Dori are having a private conversation. Finding that it is none of her business, her feet keep moving until she hears her name being said by the eldest dwarf. Her head tilts to the side, turning her ears towards the door that she has just passed. Her brow twitches as she tunes her hearing into their conversation. Or rather, Dori's words as the Princes stay silent.

"You shouldn't trust her," the Dwarf hisses. "She's brought us here along with Gandalf. She pretended to hate the Elves to get us to trust her then as soon as she is with them, she's all over the Lint lad." Gailien's good mood dampens in seconds. And not only does is dampen, but it also morphs into an entirely new emotion. "I bet she purposely didn't tell Thorin about the trolls in hopes that she could knock a few off us, so she could get more treasure from the mountain!"

She wants to storm in there. She wants to cry, to scream, to fold herself into a ball. She thought she was beginning to gain their trust. Thorin's trust. It has been a hard duty so far but she has done her best and yet Dori loathes her presence so much that he has pulled her two friends away to convince them otherwise. Is this how the entire company sees her as well? Surely at least Bilbo does not. And Bofur, perhaps Ori.

"There is talk about leaving her behind."

That is enough. Her eavesdropping comes to an end and she stalks away from the room. Her jaw pushes her out as she attempts to hold herself together, her eyes wandering up to the roof as water begins to swell at the lids. She could handle a few of them not liking her – she is used to that enough. But to convince the men she considers friends that her intentions are dark... for greed. And she truly believed that Thorin was beginning to have faith in her.

She barely manages to hold everything in until she reaches an empty corridor. Her palms slam against the wall, her forehead resting between them as her lips curl in silent bawls. Everything comes back to her – suffocating. Elves whispering behind her back, gossiping about what an oddity she is. The eyes of men peering at her as she wanders through their streets. Being called a child by men less than one-quarter of her age. Being denied service in taverns of 'prestige'.

Her back now presses against the wall, sliding down until her legs fit in her arms being held to her chest. It seems that no matter where she tries to find company, their words find a way to worm through everything. Though all her mind's sprint of thoughts, she misses the heavy thud of boots on the stone floor until they are next to her, followed by a heavy-set figure sitting down next to her.

Her head slowly lifts from her knees, peeking to the side. If she had made a list of who she is expecting, Dwalin would have been at the very bottom. Well, above Dori. Dwalin is probably the least emotional dwarf, at least, visibly. He holds his face stern and straight like the warrior he is. She sniffs – almost trying to pretend that she is fine, but both know that is a silly waste of efforts.

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