Chapter 21: Laundry and Starlight

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Chapter 21: Laundry and Starlight

The Master spares no luxury for the company (even if it is just for public appearance and the promise of profit). They are given an empty house to stay in, near the town hall. It is two stories as most are. It is more luxurious than Bard's but not any larger in scale. There are many seats on the lower floor, making up the common area and upstairs are several cots. It is obvious that they do not originally belong in the rooms as they are cramped together, spread through three bedrooms, but cots are better than the floor.

Their clothes are replaced with much finer ones. Though Gailien keeps her own pants (after a good wash), she welcomes the new, fresh and nonbattle worn shirt. She still has her weapons holster around her waist, feeling empty without her blades in them but the Master has also promised them weapons.

Though the town seems to be struggling, there is no food storage in their guest house. Their pile is stocked high with a promise to be refilled if it ever gets low. And with the eyes that Bombur gave it, she doesn't doubt that they will need to.

The first day is spent with the entire group lazing around the house, eating and sleeping to their hearts' contents. Though Thorin had originally wanted them to leave for the mountain so they had plenty of time, Gailien's points had proven to be right. They did need rest before they set out again. Even Thorin finds himself sleeping for a good portion of the day, waking to a hot bowl of meaty soup next to his cot.

The second day Gailien spends the morning taking all the clothes that Bard had lent them and takes them to a washing bay, spending a good two hours alone, scrubbing the material. Fili and Kili offered to come but Gailien politely refused, wanting some time alone to her thoughts.

With a heavy woven basket resting against her hip, Gailien wanders through the town. People give her looks, and she is still surprised to see the delight on their faces as they recognise her. It is something that has never happened to her before – not from strangers and it makes her feel a little giddy.

Gailien arrives at Bard's house and knocks on the door. Within a few moments, Sigrid opens the door. Her expression morphs from shock to unsettled, looking over her shoulder to her brother. Their father mustn't be there.

"I've only come to return your belongings," Gailien says as softly as she can. "They're clean but still a little damp I'm afraid."

"Oh, umm, thank you," Sigrid says, taking the basket from her hands.

"I also wish to apologise on behalf of the Dwarves," she adds. "We didn't mean to cause any disruption for you or your town, least of all your father. He may disagree with our quest, but I will certainly never forget that he definitely saved our hides."

"Are you going to try and kill the dragon then?" Bard questions over his sister's shoulder. "Da says it's a suicide quest."

Gailien hesitates in answering, swapping the weight of her feet. "I'm not...entirely sure what is going to happen. But I will do all I can to make sure that your family stays safe." A promise she is not sure she can keep, but they are children. "We are being showered with too many things. If there is anything you need that we have, just ask for me and I'll see what I can do. Food, clothes, sheets."

"Thank you," Sigrid says with true appreciation. Tilda, the youngest of the three joins the older two siblings by the front door. She looks at Gailien with unfiltered fascination.

"You have pointed ears," she exclaims. "But Dwarves don't have pointed ears, do they?" She looks up at Sigrid for confirmation. The older sister partially opens her mouth but doesn't know the answer herself. They've never met Dwarves before.

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