Chapter 13: Books and Elves

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Chapter 13: Books and Elves

The dwarves follow Gandalf and Gailien (who seems to be the most comfortable out of all of them besides Gandalf) down the long narrow path. The stone is bright, reflecting the sun and underneath is a chasm but even that doesn't look scary. Though, it does not stop Gailien from watching her step and keeping to the middle.

Gailien also can't help thinking to herself that if they have to come to the Elves for help, she is grateful that it is Lord Elrond. While the Dwarves' dislike for the Elves is based on a loathing for the entire race as a collective, Gailien has a general distaste for them but her mind is open to first impressions and individual judgment. And Lord Elrond had offered her a haven when she needed it, harbouring no judgement for her blood or appearance – considering Elron is half-elven himself. To her, she treats them like she would any other race but finds that they are the ones who earn her scathing looks the most.

The bridge ends with two tall golden statues of Elven guards and onto a sort of balcony. The Dwarves huddle along it, still eyeing off the Elvish establishment, feeling out of place. Most hold themselves ready to grab their weapons, talking quietly amongst themselves. Gandalf stands forward but the woman holds herself back, finding comfort in between the King and Kili as they wait to be invited in – or kicked out.

A dark-haired Elf is the first to greet them, walking down the flight of stairs with a grace that even Elena is envious of. "Mithrandir," Lindir welcomes, his voice smooth and typical of Elven style. Gailien sighs slightly as like Elrond, Lindir is one such Elf that she has had a good experience with.

"Ah, Lindir," Gandalf greets back with a small smile. Lindir looks to the company, with-holding the mild shock that Gandalf has managed to lead them into Imladris, although, they do look most unhappy with their own arrival. But nevertheless, he offers the wizard with a hand to his chest then holding it out. From the corner of her eye, she sees Thorin lean over to Dwalin whispering something in his ear.

"Gailien," Lindir speaks his head gesturing slightly to the woman. The company glance at their female member, waiting to see her response. "Mae athollen, gen ú-gennin." Gailien smiles kindly, also giving the Elvish greeting. She attempts to make a step forward out of politeness, but a rough hand catches her elbow. Her head tilts slightly to see Thorin glaring not at her, but at Lindir, not allowing her to step away from the company. Gailien is not quite sure what his particular reason his for holding her back but she puts it to his distrust of Lindir – and all Elves.

Not wanting to leave her greeting unreturned, she stays where she is instead. "Glass nín le, mellon." Lindir nods in acknowledgement before returning his attention to Gandalf. Thorin's hand drops from Gailien's arm but she stays put, nonetheless.

"We heard you had crossed into the Valley," he says, a curious hint in his voice – but also a slightly accusatory one. Though, one laced in curious suspicion, not in detest. Thorin and some of the other Dwarves grunt at the Elvish, a language they do not understand.

"I must speak with Lord Elrond," Gandalf says, skipping over the insinuation.

"My Lord Elrond is not here," Lindir replies in Common Tongue.

"Not here? Where is he?"

As if to answer his question, the hunting horn which they heard earlier rings through Rivendell. The party of Elves hunting down the orcs earlier ride in on the same bridge the Dwarves entered through, riding on their horses. The Dwarves become unsettled as the party of Elves ride in on their positions and even Thorin feels threatened.

"Close ranks!" he commands. The Dwarven company close in, their weapons brandishing as their backs press up against each other. Bofur pulls Bilbo inside their ranks, holding him under their protection. Gailien is tugged by Kili inside as well as the dwarf prince stands in front of her. Gailien rolls her eyes. She may not be overly fond of Elves – but they will not kill them! At least, not in Rivendell.

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