Chapter 17: Across the Lake

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Chapter 17: Across the Lake

"You know our names, but we do not know yours," Bilbo says as he and Gailien sit near the bargeman as he paddles the slowly through the waters.

"Bard," he answers. "So, how long have you been siblings?" Bilbo and Gailien both open their mouths to answer but their faces drop, leaving their jaws hanging. "Do not think me stupid," Bard adds. "You two do not even belong to the same race. I can see your pointed ears Elf, and his feet. So, tell me, how did you come into the company of thirteen Dwarves?"

"That is always what they ask," Gailien muses. "I'm just helping guide them. The road is dangerous, and they employed my help. Bilbo sort of just got dragged along by some events (read: Gandalf)."

"So, I take it you are not betrothed to one of the Dwarves either then?"

Gailien snorts, shaking her head. "Our story is a long one and we don't have the time to explain it all." She leans back against the wood of the seat, her backside planted on the ground. She is still soaked, along with everybody else. Thorin stands near the edge, overlooking the lake as the slowly move through it. The fog begins to grow thicker, chunks of ice bobbing.

Deciding the stretch, since all they have been doing for the last few days is sit around, Gailien stands, ruffling Kili's hair softly as she passes him on her way to Thorin. She crosses her arms, matching his brooding stance.

"It has been a long time since I've been to Lake-town," Gailien muses quietly. "Over four hundred years."

"You visited Lake Town?" Thorin wonders. "What about Dale?"

"Only once. I was actually going to Erebor for the first time. I was maybe, thirty at the time. My father didn't want to go alone after our mother's death." Thorin stares at her. She had never mentioned having seen the halls or Erebor herself. "My father was overseeing some of the trade on Thranduil's behalf. It was amazing." Gailien smiles, gazing out into the fog. "It is no wonder you have such a strong desire to return. It was so full It made Mirkwood seem dull and bland."

"And you will see it like that once again. Once we return it to its full glory." Thorin places a hand on her arm, drawing her sight away from the foggy water. "You know you are most welcome to stay with us. In fact, I insist you do."

Gailien almost laughs, recalling that they are almost what Fili said he would say. Her mind is still set though, that her future does not belong in a Dwarven realm. It is almost sad to think that their quest may be over sooner rather than later. But this is not the time for protesting. "I appreciate your offer, but let's get Erebor back before we start that sort of talk."

"Do you doubt us?"

"Not at all, but I don't like talking about a future that I have not yet seen."

Thorin drops his hand, staring at the bead in her hair that has stayed in place (thanks to the craftsmanship of Dwarves). "The man you were talking about in the cells. If you do wish to stay with us...he is more than welcome to Erebor as well."

Gailien opens her mouth to respond but instead, her open lips form into a mirthful smile. "I'm sure he would love to stay in Erebor," she muses. "He loves Dwarves."

"Oh? Does he?" Thorin cocks his head, only continuing the conversation out of politeness since this is not a topic that he finds anything pleasant in. "You never told us his name."

"But if I tell you his name, the mystery starts to disappear," she quips.

"And why is he such a mystery? Do you think we'd judge you for whom you have given your heart to?"

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