Chapter 4: The Plan

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Chapter 4: The Plan

Gailien follows the dwarves as they all start huddling around the entrance room, leaning in through the archways. A few dwarves step forward such as Dwalin and Kili into the main room but Gailien sticks back, just out of sight with Balin, the white-haired dwarf beside her.

Gandalf is the one to open the door as even Bilbo senses the tension as the elf girl does. A figure stands just outside, a dwarf with long dark hair, almost the same as Kili's but with greater length and a much longer beard. He is donned in a brown cloak, hiding whatever he wears underneath.

"Gandalf," he greets, smiling ever so slightly at the wizard that Gailien is sure is was invisible to the eyes of others. Thorin steps over the threshold as the company still remains silent. "I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice. I wouldn't have found it at all, had it not been for that mark on the door."

Gailien is almost comforted by the way he talks. The confidence seeps through him and his words are smooth. Bilbo is not so caught up by the fact that a King has just entered his home.

"Mark?" He exclaims. "There's no mark on that door, it was painted a week ago!" He walks forward to stand between Thorin and Gandalf as the wizard shuts the door. Thorin removes his cloak, revealing the heavily fur-lined garments underneath. He smiles as someone to his left and Gailien follows his line of sight to Kili.

"There is a mark," Gandalf tells the hobbit. "I've put it there myself." Thorin turns back around as he becomes aware of the unknown hobbit. "Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield."

Bilbo steps forth out of politeness, which is a surprise to anybody that he has any left. Thorin looks down at the hobbit, scrutinising him. "So, this is the hobbit. Tell me, My Baggins, have you done much fighting?" He begins circling the hobbit as he speaks and Gailien begins to doubt her first impression of the man. If he acts this way around a hobbit, who he has known as being a hobbit, how will he react to her?

Bilbo stutters, not expecting such an interrogation in his own home. "Pardon me?"

"Axe or sword?" Thorin questions.

Bilbo regains a little sense of confidence, using humour to lighten the conversation.

"Well, I do have some skills at conkers, if you must know." Gailien struggles to hold back a smile at the hobbit's words. "But I fail to see why that's relevant." Some of the other dwarves share the same expression as her.

"Thought as much," Thorin replies, glancing slightly over his shoulder at his company. "He looks more like a grocer than a burglar."

The company laughs but Gailien doesn't at this remark. Sure, she does fully agree with the statement, but she will not laugh at her host. At least, not in this sense.

Gandalf scans the crowd, shifting his gaze over the dwarves until it lands of Gailien.

"Ah, Thorin." The dwarf stops in his tracks, perking an eyebrow at the wizard. "I do believe I have one more member of the company to introduce to you." Gailien realises this is her moment to step forward, brushing shoulders against the dwarves. Some are taller than her by a few inches, and others are around her own height. She finally comes out from behind them, making her presence known. Thorin turns around, giving her the same scrutinising look as he did for Bilbo. "This is Gailien, she will act as our Seer."

"Thorin Oakenshield," the girl greets, asserting her confidence before the King can have a chance to ruin it. "It is an honour to meet you and your company." She bows her head slightly as Thorin continues to peer at her with blazing eyes.

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