Chapter 6: The Elven Entrance

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Chapter 6: The Elven Entrance

Gailien fiddles with her new beaded braid. That morning Thorin announced they would be leaving in a few hours – with Beorn patrolling to give them a head start against the Orcs and Gailien quickly had a cold bath in the metal tub while the Dwarves had breakfast. With her hair brushed and clean, she braided her hair along her head for a few inches before it became loose with the rest of her hair. The silver bead is clasped at the end, holding the piece together and she can't help but grin as her thumb brushes of the imprinted design. It is mostly a Dwarvish style pattern, with a different symbol in the middle. Possibly a rune of some sort but she only just noticed it and has not yet had the chance to ask.

Breaking from her spell, she ties her hair back behind her head and stands from her beadroll and begins rolling it back up. The rest of her things are already packed away so all that is needed to do is tie the roll down.

Kili wanders back over to her, handing her an apple and slice of bread. "You missed breakfast," he says.

"Thank you," she grins. "Don't know what I would do without you. Actually, I do. I know that I wouldn't have to hide my nuts deep in my pack. I could have had those instead." She gives him a playful glare.

"That was Fili," he defends through a struggling smile. Even if Gailien hadn't seen him do so, the lie is so pathetic that a deaf man could hear it.

"Kili, I watched you," she drawls. Kili's defensive posture drops, but a shameless smile stays planted. "Are we leaving soon?"

Kili nods, looking over his shoulder back to where the other Dwarves congregate. "In a few minutes, I think." Gailien picks her pack off the floor, heaving it over her shoulders. "Ah, so Thorin gave you the bead," he intones.

Gailien beams, her fingers reaching back to find it amongst her tied hair. "Yes. It's beautiful. I won't lie, it feels a little strange to receive a gift from royalty when I had nothing to give in return."

"A gift?"

Kili - to her own confusion - seems perplexed at her choice of words. He stares at the bead, tracing his eyes over the pattern. What else would it be considered besides a gift? "Yes," she confirms. "He didn't ask for any favours or money and correct me if I'm wrong – but is that not a gift?"

Kili shakes his head, a small smile reaching his lips. "No, you're right. I have to talk to Fili." Kili walks back to the congregated Dwarves, leaving Gailien's eyes to follow him silently. She drops her hair again, readjusting her pack and slowly makes her way to the group.

Beorn returns from a scout, assuring them that the Orcs are far away enough to give them a good head-start. The tall, kind man has allowed them to borrow his horses and there are no objections (even from Bilbo) as they know that on foot, they will barely make a league before the Orcs are upon them.

Gailien knows exactly where they are headed but the knowledge has been suppressed until this day. They are headed for Mirkwood. A place she never intended to return to, yet now she is preparing to ride directly to it. It is a dangerous path to take, even for her. She will no doubt be the only member with any sort of resistance to the dark magic seeping through the forest, but it is just that – resistance, not immunity. She too will feel the effects on the mind if they stay in there too long.

As she finishes tying her thigs to the paint horse, something else jumps into her thought. Leaving the creature to eat the grass, she saunters through the mazes of horses and Dwarves until she finds Thorin who is conversing with Gandalf. They notice her arrival and pause their conversation.

"Is something wrong, my dear?" Gandalf questions, leaning on his staff. The middle of Thorin's brows twitches slightly. Gailien realises that her face must hold a troubled expression, so she relaxes it not wanting to add to the already growing tension of their leader.

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