Chapter 20: The Real Weapons of Lake Town

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Chapter 20: The Real Weapons of Lake-town

And nightfall comes. But they have found the armoury. As thought, getting out of Bard's house was easy enough – even if she does feel a little bad about it. The company scoured the town, keeping well hidden from the guards and they start making their plan with the armoury now in sight. Half the Dwarves (plus Bilbo and Gailien) are to make their way into the armoury using the remaining Dwarves as leverage. Their opening is on the secondary story, through an unblocked window which faces one of the backstreets.

"I apologise in advance for your back," Gailien mutters to Fili as Dwain and Thorin make sure the coast is clear. Fili huffs in agreement.

"At least they're not sending Bombur up." Fili sighs. "Look, I just want to say sorry for Kili. He's being a git. I have an inkling why but..."

"Don't apologise," Gailien replies, keeping her head forward, not wanting Fili to know how much it has been on her mind. "He's upset. I just don't understand why he's taking it out on me specifically. I just hope whatever it is, doesn't last."

"I'm not sure either."

"Shh. Keep it down," Dwalin hushes the company. Fili and the rest of the first half of Dwarves are sent forward, lining up along the ground, creating a series of Dwarf-steps to the window. Gailien walks forward, preparing herself. Quick. Nimble. Lithe. A mantra that runs through her mind, feeling a little bad for being about to run across their backs but she doubts that she'll be the one to cause the most strain at least.

"Go, go, go," Thorin ushers Nori. The first Dwarf of the second half runs forward. He jumps onto the first Dwarf's back then to the next. They grunt under his weight, but the formation stays stable. "Next."

Bilbo is the next in line and follows Nori's steps, jumping up the Dwarf formation and leaps through the open window. Gailien takes a step forward, next in line. Thorin's hand rests on her back, waiting for Bilbo to clear. Gailien bounces her step as Bilbo moves away.

"Go," Thorin whispers, pushing her back slightly. Gailien runs with a light-foot, stepping onto the first Dwarf, then leaping onto the next couple and then finally onto Fili's shoulder who is standing under the window. He grunts a little under her weight, but she doesn't have time to apologise again as she bends over the window ledge, letting herself roll in.

The armoury is dark but the light from the stars and moon is enough to let them see clearly. Nori, Bilbo and Gailien wait for the rest of the second half to arrive, the rest waiting down below. With Thorin as the last to come, they begin to pile their weapons stock.

There is no time for pickiness – though she would have liked to find something resembling her twin blades – and every weapon that can be carried is. Gailien begins loading Bofur's awaiting arms with swords, axes, spear-looking weapons – anything they can get their hands on.

Gailien glances around, beginning to look around to carry some herself but she double-takes Kili whose arms are being loaded up by Thorin. Confliction runs through her, but Thorin has not forgotten his sister son's injury.

"You alright?" Thorin questions.

"I can manage," Kili says as Thorin loads a final sword into his arm. "Let's just get out of here." Kili heads to the stairwell and Gailien continues loading her own arms but the young Dwarf cries out in pain moments later. His leg gives way on one of the steps, followed by the weapons tumbling out of his arms, clanging against each other and the wood.

There is no way that nobody heard that noise. Gailien drops her own, knowing their secrecy is gone and sprints to the stairwell. "Kili," she cries. Kili lies in the middle where the stairs change directions, the weapons on the floor at the bottom. She drops to a crouch but doesn't have any time to help him as two guards arrive. One holds a blade to Kili's neck, and the other points his sword at her chest. Her hands slowly raise, showing her unarmed state.

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