Chapter 16: Training and Talks

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Chapter 16: Training and Talks

After the previous night's mischievous activities – which she knows she will be hearing about from Lindir today, Gailien went back to her room tiredly and meditated for a while in hopes that something will come to her. And something has. It was a frightening thing to watch, heavy rain all across her vision, the Dwarves barely visible but they make it. Make it to where – that she has no idea of, but she saw a cave, and everybody was alive. If there is a less treacherous path, she is more than willing to take it, but at least she knows this one will end well enough.

Her clothes that she left in the tub soaking last night have been cleaned and pressed, lain neatly back on the dresser. They must have done so last night while she was with the Dwarves, but she is pleased since she intends to help Bilbo this morning and the clothes they provided will not do.

The sun has barely risen and knowing that the Dwarves stayed up even much later than herself, she doesn't doubt that they are all still asleep, snoring loudly as they do. With her twin blades in their rightful place, she sets back out to the Dwarven campsite.

A few Elves wander through the halls, going about their days. She ignores anything her Elven ears pick up after the first time she hears one of them mention the Dwarves rowdiness. No doubt the cooks entered the kitchen this morning carrying on about their nearly empty meat stock. Not to mention Dwalin now knows where they store their wine. But Gailien could not care less about their stockpiles.

She arrives at the Dwarven camp, and just as she envisioned, the Dwarves are all heavily asleep and heavy snores fill the air. Some are lain on top of each other, some have found homes on the seats and against walls. The silver trays are strewn amongst them is a messy fashion, not a lick of food left on them.

Gailien walks on the tips of her toes through them, watching for stretched out limbs. Thorin is still fast asleep like his company, but Gailien will inform him of what she saw as soon as she finds him awake. She bends down in front of Bilbo quietly, resting a hand on his shoulder. Jostling him slightly, the Hobbit awakes easily. His eyes blink away the blurry sleepiness as he lifts his head. Gailien smiles softly, holding a finger to her lips.

"Let us start on some training," she says to the Hobbit quietly. Bilbo rounds his mouth in realisation then nods. Gailien stands back up, looking around the camp to confirm that she has not woken any of them. Bilbo stands up, stretching and yawning. He picks up his sword, putting it on his hip. Gailien motions for him to follow and they tiptoe out of the camp. Bilbo follows silently as she leads him out of the castle grounds, onto a large training field. Off to the side, there are targets with hundreds of indents in them and he can also spot a few hidden ones behind trees and bushes.

"You might want to take off your coat," she advises, taking off her own jacket which leaves her in her blue blouse. Bilbo does so, albeit a little awkwardly. And then his training begins.

Gailien was right when she judged him as a quick learner. As someone that has never had to use such a weapon in his life, Bilbo caught onto the movements naturally, mimicking her movements as she instructs him on basic defence and offence. They practice all morning through sequences, even doing some light sparring. Gailien sticks to using only one of her blades, using it as one would a normal sword.

The sun rises higher and the sweat beads on the Hobbit's neck, but he enjoys the training and doesn't complain. "You are doing very well," she says between heavy breathes. They have been working for at least two hours, and even she is feeling a tire. "You would make a fine swordsman with further training." She steps back, holding her blade down to end their parrying. Bilbo breathes through his open mouth, also dropping his sword tip.

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