Part 2 Chapter 1: Healing Hands

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Chapter 1: Healing Hands

"Maer aes hen," she pronounces slowly. Kili mouths the words silently with her, following the way her mouth changes with each letter. The campfire burns softly next to them, complementing the silver light of the moon and stars.

"Maer...aes hen," he repeats. "Maer aes hen!" Fili smiles softly at his brother's excitement who cheers to himself as the words come clear through his tongue. "Bombur! Maer aes hen!" Bombur pauses mid-way through eating his stew as the young prince Dwarf speaks a random string of letters – well, to his ears.

As promised, Gailien has been teaching Kili simple Sindarin phrases. Things like greetings, farewells, compliments and what Kili is very impatient to use: insults. She is sure the other Dwarves are somewhat tired of hearing Elvish phrases being randomly used by the Dwarf, but Gailien finds amusement in the efforts.

"I think that is enough for tonight, dilthen er," she softly laughs, uncrossing her legs.

"What does dilthen er mean?" he presses. It has been her nickname for him ever since the Goblin mountain, yet she has yet to teach him their meaning. Gailien shakes her head teasingly, taking amusement from his desperation to know. In all honesty, she isn't sure he will still like it once he knows that it means 'little one,' but she uses it fondly. She has taken to calling Fili, Malthen emel, meaning 'Golden heart.' He also does not know its meaning but she speaks it with a honey sweetness that the older brother is content with the second name.

What she also doesn't inform Kili of, is that it used to be her own name amongst her family. It was used with such love and affection, until after her unfortunate event where strange Elves in the corridors began to call her by it and the words became thorns to her ears. By calling Kili by the same name, it is her attempt to preserve the good memories that it once held.

"You will find out the day I die," she answers. Kili narrows his eyes accusingly.

"But you're an Elf! You're going to live much longer than I will," he protests. The truth he speaks pinches her heart, but at the same time – it may not be true. She may only have a few years left with her choice of mortal life. There is nobody that knows but Eru who does not answer her questions.

"Then I will tell you on your deathbed when you have a long grey beard," she retorts, not letting her thoughts be portrayed on her face. Kili huffs but a few nearby Dwarves laugh softly at their conversation.

Weeks have passed since the Goblin's and they have been on the constant run from Azog and the Orcs. After the events, Gailien and Bilbo's place amongst the company solidified and even Dori came forth to apologise for his words, admitting what he had said behind her back but she brushed it off, not admitting that she had heard them already. If Fili and Kili ignored it, then so will she. Gloin brought up the fact that she had lied, not once, but twice but Thorin quickly ended his argument, stating that it had been for his own sake and took full responsibility for the trolls.

After she had awoken from her pain-induced faint – after two days, - she had indeed, hugged Thorin with such tight arms that he felt the blood being trapped in his face. There is no more arguing, no more pleading to be listened to.

Gailien ruffles Kili's hair as she walks past him, earning a grunt of annoyance. Her bedroll is set up on the other side of the fire, in front of a log so she can lean against it until her eyes wish to close. And doing just that, she pulls to cover off her roll over her legs, sitting back against the bark.

Not long after she settles down, watching the rest talk amongst themselves does Thorin join her, leaning back against the log as she does. It is not unusual for the two to be seen together now as she has become a sort of confidant, her visions acting as guidance where they can.

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