Chapter 21: Test of Trust

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Chapter 21: Test of Trust


Thorin glares at her, a finger pointing at her like she is the reason for all his problems. It is so unexpected that it catches her off guard and words barely come out of her throat. "Me?" she croaks. Thorin doesn't back down and takes another few thundering steps towards her. The other company members are frozen in their spots, like owls being caught in the night.

"Yes, you!" His hand drops down to his side, but his actions are no less threatening and Gailien's brain racks with confusion. "You couldn't see those stone giants in those visions of yours. You said you saw us on the mountain pass, that you saw a thunderstorm, but you never mentioned stone giants! We could have died! Fili and Kili could have died!"

The accusation creates a hot flame of anger that burns through her muscles hotter than the burns on her arm. How dare he accuse her of intentionally putting them in harm's way. "I told you exactly what I saw Thorin Oakenshield!" she counters in the same loud growl. "I had no idea that the stone giants were still alive and if I had, do you really think I would put the lives of the company – the lives of your nephews at risk like that!"

Fili steps forward slightly, wanting to put an end to the argument. "Thorin, she was terrified. You should have-"

Thorin cuts him off but doesn't move his beady eyes from the woman. "Enough Fili!" Fili backs down reluctantly at the order. That tone of voice is rarely used on him. "You've been nothing but a hassle to the company. Hurting yourself! You've put yourself in danger because of these visions! We'd be better off without you here."

The sharp sting catches the back of her throat and she wills her eyes not to shed any tears. But this is not something she will back down. Not until she has said everything that she wants to say. "I've saved your life!" It is her time to throw a pointed finger at him. Thorin narrows his eyes in confusion. "I've saved your stupid life and you don't even know it! Back before Rivendell, I didn't see us with the Elves." She takes a daring step forward, putting only two more paces between them. The eyes of the company flicker between the two as the woman stands up to the taller Dwarf. "I saw you being slaughtered by the Orcs because you were too stubborn to follow Gandalf! And not only did I see you die – Kili, Bilbo, Balin!" Her voice stretches in pain at the memory. Thorin stays silent so she continues her built-up emotion. Kili's mouth hangs open slightly. "I had to watch them die!" A single tear drops from her eye, but it blends in with the raindrops still on her face. "I told you about the trolls and you didn't listen to me! I told you exactly what I saw here on the mountain, I said we would find a cave with everybody safe. Will I have to beg and scream for you to listen to me every single time?!"

No one has dared step forward since Fili and even Thorin now seems at lost for words.

"You think I'm here for my own sake?" she questions, placing a hand on her chest. "I'm here because Gandalf asked me to and when I met you, I was naïve enough to lie for you because I didn't want the rest to believe that you had dismissed a potential danger. I believed in you! I thought that you had just made a mistake, but you have never trusted me, and you never will. So, you're right, you are better off without me here because nothing I say will ever earn your trust. My words mean nothing to you and I'm putting my life at risk for no reason at all."

Not wanting to hear what he has to say anymore, she shakes her head in resignation and turns on her heels. Marching forward, she twists her shoulders not to barge into the silent brothers, brushing past them and a few other Dwarves before reaching the entrance to the cave. The rain starts pelting on her once again, but it only helps cool off her burning skin.

She isn't going to leave. No. No matter how useless Thorin may deem her, she still cares for some of the Dwarves. And Bilbo. Kili, Fili, Bilbo, Bofur, even Dwalin and Ori. Even if it means she will have to sleep away from camp, not speak or share their food. This quest is dangerous, and she'll be damned before she willingly walks away from them. She signed her name on that line and maybe she is just as stubborn as the Dwarves, but she will see this to the end if only to protect them.

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