Chapter 17: Hidden Wishes

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Chapter 17: Hidden Wishes

Almost in a delirium, Gailien mumbles incoherent words to herself, resting over the back of Kili's shoulder. Fili walks next to them, limping but managing well enough. Through the hours of the never-ending day, the trio finally made it to the other side of the rocky sea and back into open field. It will take them a few days to reach Beorn's from their current position, maybe even longer if they are continued to be weighed down.

"We need to stop," Fili declares.

"We still have light," Kili protests, marching onwards.

"Kee," the blonde sighs. "You're exhausted. Gailien needs proper sleep and something to eat. And I don't know how much longer I can go on either." This brings Kili to a slow stop, glaring at the ground. "We made a lot of progress today," Fili adds. "I don't think pushing onwards will do any of us any good."

"I'll get the firewood," he mutters. He kneels down, gently guiding the woman onto the ground as Fili kneels on her other side. "Gailien?" Her eyes open partially, but she is still not completely there as the drift around not really focusing on anything in particular. "I don't know what to do. Should we try and keep her awake or let her sleep?"

"We make sure it's a normal sleep," Fili decides. "I don't want what happened today to happen again. Pushing herself. It's not good for her." He pulls the light summer blanket up to her chest. "We just...keep her going as best we can. Go get that firewood, I'll set up the rest of camp."

Gailien watches, leaning on her side as a few logs are tossed onto the growing fire, the sun splintering through trees to the east. She wants to get up and help but her legs just don't listen to her. But she does manage to push herself up into a sitting position, resting against hers and Fili's stacked pack.

Fili attends to the cooking stew as Kili sits nearby, sharpening their weapons and checking over his arrow tips. Everything just feels heavy and sluggish, like the world itself has more weight pressing down on it.

Almost out of nowhere, both the Dwarves snap to their feet. Gailien opens her eyes wider looking around for the danger and what she sees is quite unexpected. A single man – a human – walks towards them. He seems to be well-aged, but not so much that it would hinder him. Speckles of grey hair lined in his fading black hair and freckled wrinkles lining his face.

Fili and Kili stand defensively over their camp as the stranger walks directly towards them. Kili has the battle-axe that he was sharpening in his hands and Fili is debating which dagger to reach for first if the stranger walks to close.

Gailien leans, trying to see past their legs to investigate the threat for herself more.

"Ah!" the strange man calls out. "Fellow travellers! I haven't seen many on the road for quite a while."

Fili and Kili share a glance, the instincts twitching. "Yes," Fili answers. "It's been a quiet road for us as well."

The strange man stops walking, just outside the boundaries of their camp. Kili subtly glances over his shoulder, checking that Gailien is still where he thinks she is. The man notices it, tilting slightly to look at the woman. "Dwarves, aren't ya?" He glances around the camp, seeming to take in every aspect of it. "Headed to Erebor?"

"Ironhills, actually," Fili answers again. The corner of the man's eye twitches. Gailien glances over her Dwarves, noting that their clothing probably is giving him a sense they are no low borns.

"Really?" He nods, pursing his lips. "Heading to Rohan myself." He looks back down to the woman. "Is she sick? I have some things-"

He begins reaching for his back. "She's fine," Kili snaps, not having the same patience as his brother. "It's just been a long day for us."

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