Chapter 14: Days of Boredom

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Chapter 14: Days of Boredom

Legolas's hand does not leave her shoulder, nor do the guards leave until she is brought into what can only be called the Throne Room. Though it is less of a room and more of a platform in the centre of Mirkwood. Legolas and the guards leave her side, striding over to the side, standing at attention.

Slowly her head lifts, her warm brown eyes meeting Thranduil's cold stones. He lies against his throne, the thorned crown neatly resting on his head. He taps his fingers against the throne lazily – a display of dominance, that he is in control.

"I heard you would like to speak with me," Gailien says, her own assertion of confidence. It is a rude gesture to speak first to royalty, nevertheless in their own kingdom. Thranduil's stony eyes narrow but a small tweak of mirth plays on the corner of his lips.

"Little Gailien. My, it has been some time since you've set foot in my Realm," he says, standing slowly from the throne. He purposely ignores her first words, a silent override of her bland greeting. Just like he will try and control the conversation. "Tell me, how did you come into the company of such creatures?"

Gailien tilts her head slightly. Thranduil does not intimidate her but he does hold the power. "Thorin requested for me. I responded." A small lie for she isn't sure if Gandalf will appreciate his name being thrown about.

"They are just using you, you know that?" Thranduil begins to circle her but Gailien keeps her head locked forward, only meeting his eye when he walks in front of her. "For your power. They do not care about you."

"Of course they are using me," she counters. "That is the entire reason I am with them."

'Don't give him anything to use.' If she tries to argue his point, to argue that they care for her it will prove a weak spot. Something that Thranduil knows how to use. She doesn't believe his words – not one bit. The Elves are cunning and calculating whereas the Dwarves will wear their thoughts clearly on their face. If they did not like her, she would know. They do not bother to pretend.

Thranduil stops circling her, stopping back in front of her and they enter a silent staring game. "What have you seen?"


"Tell me what you have seen for the future of the Dwarves."

Gailien almost scoffs, opening her mouth in disbelief. "Why would I ever reveal that information to you? I am loyal to them and no threat you make will change that." But even she questions her own words. Not her declaration of loyalty, but keeping her mouth shut. Maybe Thranduil is the perfect person to alert about their common foe.

Thranduil walks forward once again, holding his chin high in the superiority he thinks he holds. His eyes flicker to the back of her head. "Indeed, you are. Thorin may have rejected my offer but you are wiser than him."

"And now you're going to offer me one as well?" she predicts, not needing her foresight to know the motivations of the King with a permanent scowl. Thranduil smirks mirthlessly.

"I will let the Dwarves go, even offer them safe passage to Lake Town on the condition that you renounce your position in their company and spend the rest of your life under my service. You will live here in the palace as you once did, serving as the Royal Prophet."

For a flicker of a moment, her mind begins to truly consider his offer. But her position is with the Dwarves and she has seen them escaping. "I don't think that is in my best interest."

"Is it not your interest to let the Dwarves reclaim that forsaken mountain? To help them defeat the dragon? Are you so selfish as to deny them the one thing they wish for in place of your feelings?"

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