Chapter 9: Farewell

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Chapter 9: Farewell

Gailien stands outside Fili's door, a hesitant hand raising to knock. Thorin is waiting back in her room, content to be left on her bed while she does what she needs to. Her knuckles rap on the wood softly. Fili's voice comes through the door, instructing her to come in.

Gailien opens it, finding Fili lying on his bed, propped up with pillows and Oin standing by his side. His trouser is pulled up on his right leg as Oin checks over the healing. Fili's face drops as he sees her, but it raises again into a surprised smile.

"How are you feeling?" he asks as she walks over to the bed.

"I think I should be asking you that," she quips, sitting on the opposite side to Oin. "How's he coming along?"

"Perfectly fine," Oin grunts with content. "Almost a miracle with all this walking you're doing." Fili shrugs innocently, sharing a sheepish smile with Gailien. Oin starts packing up his things. "I'll check on it again in a few days. Now I've got to go convince your stubborn uncle to rest his own."

"He's in my chambers," Gailien notes to the healer. Oin nods in thanks, strolling out of Fili's chambers. Gailien brings her legs onto the bed, crossing them underneath her. "But in reference to your question, I'm alright. And sorry if I said anything to you tonight, I don't actually remember it all that well."

"You don't need to apologise. But Kee's worried about you, make sure you talk to him."

"I'm going over there next," she replies.

"What happened back there? You were seeing something – I know that much, but it didn't seem to be a vision." He leans forward, resting a hand on her knee.

"It's hard to explain. It was like my nightmares, but I was awake, and I couldn't tell what was real or not. But to be honest, it's not something I want to talk about tonight."

"Alright," he agrees without missing a beat. "Is there something else you wish to talk about, or are you looking for some random conversation?"

Gailien smiles tenderly, leaning back so she falls against his pillows. "You always ask the sweetest questions? You know that?"

Fili shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly, also leaning back. "I just ask what I would want asked if I was in your position."

"I do have something to talk about," she admits. "But not just yet. I want to know more about your home. In the Blue Mountains."

Fili eagerly begins talking about his home-life, from his earliest memories. Gailien snorts as he talks about Kili being a problem child, never giving their mother a break and she can see how Fili grew into his role. They had always known Dwalin and they often had lessons with him, learning their swords and battle-axes but Kili learnt archery from Thorin. Balin gave them lessons on history, teaching them the way of the royal bloodline.

Before she realises it, another hour or so must have passed into the night. Either Thorin must be wondering why she is taking so long, or he has fallen asleep. Most likely the latter, since he had tired eyes when he returned. Fili sense her small change in demeanour and brings his words to a slow halt, waiting for her to speak up on what he knows plagues her mind.

"I'm leaving, Fee," she confesses quietly, moving her gaze from the Dwarf up to the stone ceiling. "I don't want to, but I need to." Fili stays silent so she continues to explain herself. "I'm going to escort Bilbo back to the Shire, then I shall return. I just... need to get away from everything for a while."

"Bilbo's leaving tomorrow," is all Fili says, frowning as he too looks up to the ceiling.

"Yeah," she whispers.

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