Chapter 10: The Enchanted Waters

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Chapter 10: Enchanted Waters

The company congregate around the edge of the river. There was once a bridge, but all that now remains is the foundations on either side. Even if Gailien could manage to jump the distance, there is no way the Dwarves would be able to manage.

"Doesn't look very enchanting to me," Bofur says offhandedly.

The River isn't particularly deep, in this area anyway, but it is no less dangerous.

"Can we wade through?" Balin asks. "It doesn't look too deep."

"No, Master Balin. It is shallow but it has not earnt the name 'Enchanted' from its beauty. Any who touch the water is put under a deep sleep and there is no way to know how long it will take for them to awaken."

Only two Elves that she has known have ever fallen in and they were asleep for over a week, but the effects could be vastly different on her, Bilbo, and the Dwarves. Would their Dwarfish nature help them or hinder them?

"We must find a way to cross," Thorin announces. "Is there another bridge?"

Gailien shakes her head, looking around. "Not unless you want to leave the path to try and find it." There is another one a few days south but there is more of a risk in leaving their path to find it then trying to find a way across.


Kili grasps one of the thick vines which entangles with many more. The vines extend over the river, meeting with ones extending from the opposite side. He begins to pull himself up to climb them but Gailien widens her eyes, jumping forward.

"No!" she cries. "Not first, Kili. I'm the lightest." She walks forward, swapping places with Kili who falters back to his uncle. "If I make it across, Bilbo will come next." Though she is slightly larger than Bilbo, her Elvish blood and still lithe build lighten her steps and she doesn't carry the heavy layers of clothing like the Dwarves. After Bilbo makes it, then they can start working on the rest of the Dwarves.

Though the site of water so close after her vision is sickening, there is no other choice. Be brave. Her long fingers wind around the thickest vine, the heavy eyes of the company watching her every move. At least she will not die if she falls, but it won't lessen the burden as they would be forced to carry her.

Both her feet leave the ground, her arms holding her weight as her feet try to balance. She pulls, testing the strength of the plant. It seems strong enough to hold her. Gailien takes her first step, sliding her hands along the vine with her body.

Then there is a small drop and she stretches her foot out to meet with the next vine. Her limbs begin to stretch, her back bending backwards but she is not yet in any danger of falling. There is, however, a slight danger from the fumes of the River which is now directly under her feet.

"Nice and steady," Thorin says in his typical smooth tone. Gailien nods, smiling over her left shoulder at their leader. Thorin stands forward in front of the company with squinted eyes. Her own return to the vine entanglement, finding her next foot and handhold.

It will require a small jump, or she could let her body lean forward and fall to it. Her eyes drift down to the water below. It looks like it hasn't moved in a century and small clouds of smoke arising. Shrivelling her nose, she tries to ignore the small dizziness it creates.

Deciding to jump, she pushes off, arms extending out to meet her goal. Her hands clutch tightly to the new vine but one of her feet overshoot and the back of her heel slips over the rounded side.

A short breath is snatched from Thorin as Gailien's feet are swept out from under her, but her grip on the branch above remains tight. Gailien hangs, holding her gasp as her elbows are pulled tight. Closing her eyes for a brief moment, she calms her heart and lets her feet find the vine once more. She has made it half-way.

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