Chapter 20: Thunder Battles

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Chapter 20: Thunder Battles

Once morning comes around, although running on little sleep, Gailien's mood has risen back up and she apologises to Fili for being so short last night. He brushes it off, saying it was his fault anyway. She debates whether she should apologise to Thorin for being snappish but reasons that she has nothing truly to apologise for.

They trek along a thin ridge of a large hill which sets her nerves on edge but with careful footwork, she avoids loose rocks and they make it to the mountain path. The path is known to be dangerous in good weather, with a windy path along its side leading through the mountains, but as Gailien glances to the sky, her cheek is bitten between her teeth as grey storm clouds start rolling in. There is a possibility that the wind will change and send the large grey forms away from their path, but the wind has been blowing in the same direction for the past three days and she doubts that it will begin to change now.

"Better keep up." Gailien's head falls back down, Fili standing in front of her, his body half-turned to face her. She's still walking but her pace has slowed, putting a short distance between them and the next Dwarf is on her heels. Following his advice, her pace quickens to close the gap and she keeps close to the blonde Dwarf.

"Looks like a storm is brewing," she says in an even tone, trying to not to portray her concern. Memories of the vision she had a few nights ago replays. She had seen a storm, while they are on the mountain. There is no way to avoid it now. "Hopefully it won't be too bad."

Fili's gaze lingers on the sky for a few moments. "Ah," he grunts. "A small storm won't hurt us." She forces herself to smile, giving the Dwarf a look of agreement. She tries to remember that she has seen them all safe, in the cave. But things can change. So, she just has to try not changing things.

"Of course not," she mumbles to herself.

A small storm wouldn't hurt them but the one that they are cursed with is no small storm in any matter. It starts with the wind, high mountain wind that blows cold air over their skin. By now, the path is treacherous, and her hands are planted on the rocky side as a sort of physical and mental grounding for herself. She doesn't even dare try and reach for her cloak.

Heights were once an adventurous find. To play on the edge of danger as a child was exhilarating and one her favourite times. Her brother would play with her too and they would rest on the edge, letting their feet dangle towards whatever was underneath it. Of course, they always had their mother's warning ringing in the back of their mind – 'don't wander to close to the edge.' But when do children ever listen to their mothers? Especially ones adventurous as those two.

But now she's had experience with what a fall from a height can do and she has no intention of going through it again. And now with her uneven walk, her attention is solely on her feet and the person in front of her which is still the blond prince.

And then the rain starts. It starts off as a slow trickle and for a short while, she is given a hope that this is all that there will be. She smiles to Fili who glances back at her every now and then as the droplets roll over the contours of her face. The two Dwarf princes are lucky enough to have hoods without the flapping material of the rest of a normal cloak but Gailien isn't so lucky as her only protection is still in her bag and almost useless against this wind and rain. Even Bofur behind her has his hat.

But then there is also Bilbo, still only with his red jacket. His reddish hair sticks to his face, darkened by the water and he also, doesn't seem fond of heights. She feels sorry for him, but there is nothing she can do but keep moving forward and hope that they find shelter, or the storm eases.

Fate is against them as the storm does anything but ease. Heavy rain pelts against them, making it hard to see and hear. Not to mention the ground is becoming slippery which she finds out for herself when her boot steps on a surface stone which slides easily from underneath her with all the water. A small yelp passer her lips as her hands scrap against the wall to find a grip but Fili's arm reaches back, grabbing her jacket to stop her from falling any more.

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