Chapter 23: Bittersweet Nights

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Chapter 23: Bittersweet Nights

Gailien sits down next to Bilbo, the feast already well underway with a small and growing stack of plates being taken off by a serving girl. It reminds her of the meeting in Bag-End, the main difference being that Bilbo now has a large smile planted on his own face as he enjoys the night as the Dwarves do.

Thorin takes the seat back at the head of the table, Fili and Kili on his right, Gailien and Bilbo on his left. A plate is placed in front of her, piled with more food then even her eyes can handle, let alone her stomach.

There are guests that she doesn't recognise, as well as some she does but she pays them no mind.

Gailien begins eating her food (much more politely than the Dwarves) and engages in casual conversation with those in hearing range, although the entire town may as well be in hearing range with how loud they talk. There is music playing behind them, and Gailien is shamefully surprised that they know how to play. She would have thought it too much of a waste of time and resources to learn but it seems like a merry way to distance themselves from the cold harshness of their world, pulling them off into the world that melodies belong in.

Food is flung at her, hitting her shoulder and dropping into her lap. Gailien's mouth hangs open, looking up from her lap around for the guilty Dwarf. She finds Kili smiling cheekily at her, pulling a piece of bread apart over his plate. Gailien reaches for the piece of bread in her lap and throws it back at him.

She both scoffs and laughs as Kili catches it in his mouth, cheering loudly. "You are like a dog, Kili," she muses. "Would you like to give me treats when you're well behaved?"

"I wouldn't mind," Kili teases, smirking with playful cockiness as he leans back in his seat.

"I reckon we should keep him on a leash as well," Fili adds. "Might make keeping him alive a little easier." Kili nudges his brother but the joyous smiles don't leave any of their faces.

"You'll need a strong one, or he'll chew right through it," Thorin says, with one of those rare true smiles. He leans forward on his elbows, resting his chin on clasped hands. Kili crosses his arms, fiddling with a small animal bone that he has already eaten the meat off.

"The dog's got his bone," Gailien taunts at the faux sulking prince. Kili rolls his eyes, bringing his hand behind his head before throwing the bone at Gailien who promptly ducks out of the way. "Is that any way to treat a Lady? My, I'm beginning to question who taught you."

Kili leans forward with confidence. "Ah," he says, pointing to his left. "That was Thorin so you can blame him."

Thorin swallows the large bite of food in his mouth, holding his palms up in surrender. "Do not drag me into this."

Bofur brings out his flute instrument as the musicians of Lake-town take a break from singing. The food in front of them is mostly scraps and their stomachs full, but with no less energy. They move from their seats onto the open floor area. Although to Bilbo and Gailien the tune is unfamiliar, the Dwarves start singing along to the melody of Bofur's tune. They bellow loud with beaming faces, clapping and stomping their feet.

Gailien takes a wine offered to her, along with Bilbo while the rest opt for their tankards being refilled. She will be surprised if she manages to go the night without slipping as they dance about with their drinks held high, knocking them together and chugging them.

Gailien notices Ori being particularly quiet, drinking and cheering but not dancing with the others. Thorin, herself and Bilbo are the only ones not dancing, though Bilbo looks about ready to join in. She places her glass down on a counter, walking over to the young Dwarf.

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