Chapter 16: More than One Truth Split

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Chapter 16: More than One Truth Split

Gailien sits with her legs crossed underneath her against the log, fiddling with her fingers. The boys had given her the night to recover but now it is morning and they declared that they would not travel any further until she lets them know what is happening.

"I didn't push you to tell me anything," she argues pathetically, referencing Kili's own troubles.

"I also didn't nearly drown myself," he shoots back. He holds his face like a stone, making her feel all that worse. "Mine was just something that I needed to get over. Whatever is going on with you, we need to know."

"He's right," Fili adds, albeit in a softer tone. "But I don't understand, I thought Elves didn't get sick."

"They can," she answers slowly. "But not in the literal sense."

"Literal sense?" Kili repeats, tipping his head to the side, almost exasperatedly. "Is it something to do with your visions or the nightmares again?" Gailien shakes her head, pouting her bottom lip as she stares at the ground between her legs. Kili holds himself from snapping at her. "We can't help you if you don't tell us."

"You can't help me even if I do," she retorts without missing a beat. "What's's natural. I can't stop it." She bows her head in shame, turning it to face the water.

"Maybe Oin could help," Kili suggests.

"Or even someone in Mirkwood," Fili adds, nodding at the ideas. The tears build in her eyes, stinging painfully. "We can take some time off travelling when we reach Beorn's. Build your energy back up. Have some honey-cakes."

"It's not coming back!" she finally cries. The brothers' mouth snap shut. "I'm fading. Dying. Whatever you want to call it. I'm a Half-Elf who's chosen a mortal life that is coming to an end. I don't even know if I'm going to be able to make it to Erebor at this point!" Gailien sends herself into a hysteric, throwing her hands in the air, shaking slightly. "If I knew I only had this long, I would have never left Erebor. I don't know what to do, because there is nothing to be done. I could have days, I could have weeks. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you both taking unnecessary risks just to reach Erebor faster."

Fili curses to himself, resting his face in his palms but Kili sits there numbly, not even looking at her. "Mahal," the blonde whispers. "This... I'm so sorry, lass." Gailien lets the tears finally fall, dropping her head into her hands. Fili saunters over, enveloping her in a tight embrace. Gailien falls into his chest and he looks back over at his brother who still hasn't reacted. "We're going to get you home. I know you can do it. I'll carry you on my back if I have to."

The youngest finally reacts, pushing to his feet. Gailien winces as he kicks something which flies well away from their camp. His heavy boots thud against the ground, passing the pair until even her ears cannot hear him anymore. Gailien sniffs, pulling away. "Should you or I go after him?" She wipes her face, composing herself.

"I think this one falls to you," Fili says, patting her knee. Nodding, Gailien brushes her hands, taking a few more steady breathes then pushes to her feet. "I'll...I'll get camp ready to go."

Gailien turns on her heels, slowly walking in the direction she heard his feet going. Her arms settle over her chest softly, toes kicking small rocks out of the way. The land is a mix of grass and stone, a few large boulders mixing in with a few trees.

It takes a while, but eventually, she finds him sitting up against the trunk of a tree, fiddling with his fingers. Quietly, she continues walking towards him. The only sign of acknowledgement is a slight turn of his head towards her. She settles down next to him, looping her arms around his knee.

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