Chapter 25: Visions of Dragon Fire

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Chapter 25: Vision of Dragon Fire

The sun has long passed drifted below to horizon, replaced by the moon which shines perfectly through their window. The next morning, they would be leaving for the mountain and Gailien can physically feel the emotions pulsating off of the Dwarves. Nerves. Excitement. Determination.

Her legs are crossed underneath her as she sits on her bed, watching the Dwarves double check all their belongings are ready for the morning. Some Dwarves are downstairs drinking (read: Bofur) but most are just spending the night quietly.

Fili, not unexpectedly, is going through all his knives with a sharpening stone again. He lies them out neatly on his bed. Gailien already has two of them in her belt holster from him which she is grateful for since the heaviness of an axe or single sword feels too heavy and restricting in her hands.

She watches him, drifting in her thoughts more so than interested. Her eyes flicker to Kili who sits on the edge of his bed, prodding his thigh. Gailien kicks out her leg, kicking him lightly in the unwounded one.

"Sorry," Kili says. "It's just healing so good."

"No pain?"

"Only tender."

Gailien nods in content, her eyes searching the room until she can find another source of interest. Bilbo sits on his own bed, looking intently at his sword – which apparently, he has named Sting. Noting the troubled glint in his eye, Gailien pushes herself off her own and saunters over to him. She plops down on his matters, nudging his shoulder slightly with her own.

"What thoughts have conjured that look in your eye, Bilbo?"

Bilbo glances at but then looks back to his sword. "I'm...worried."

"I think we all are," Gailien offers. "I would find it odd if you weren't. Would it help you if I said I've already seen a vision of you finding the Arkenstone?"

Her eyebrow peaks, waiting for his reaction. Bilbo's tensed face drops slightly as he looks to Gailien again. "I-I do?" Gailien nods with a comforting smile. She had almost forgotten to mention that part of her vision, but it wasn't overly important – nothing needed to be changed or warned about. But she can see the tension beginning to seep away from Bilbo who begins to nod to himself.

"You'll know it when you see it," she adds. "It is unlike any jewel you have seen before."

"I think that mountain is going to be full of gems that I've never seen before," he snorts, earning a short giggle from Gailien.

"You're probably right. But trust me when I say you'll know. And most importantly, trust yourself. Nobody would be here without you." Gailien fiddles with her pants, a frown settling on her face. Over the past day, a new worry has risen in her mind – one she had not thought to concern herself with before. "I want you to promise me something, Bilbo."

"Hmm," Bilbo frowns. "What is it?"

"Do what you think it right," she says. "You're smart. There's a...sickness linked to that treasure, a sickness that affects Dwarves. And I don't know exactly what I'm asking of you but if your gut is telling you to do something, listen to it."

Bilbo's mouth slips open slightly, but he nods, nevertheless. Gailien nods to herself once. Thorin was in talks with the Master currently, organising the finalities of their deal but he should be returning soon.

Gailien stands back up to return to her own cot. "Let me change your bandage, Polodren er," she says, her feet rising in the air to move through the maze of cots and belongings.

"Why the change of name?" he asks with a questioning smile.

"Because it suits you much better," she answers. "I'm afraid your previous one may have been a little insulting."

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