Chapter 22: Down into Goblin Town

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Chapter 22: Down into Goblin Town

As much as she wants to, Gailien just can't find sleep even though she has been searching for in the last few hours. And hers is not the only mind running. Bilbo has been debating himself ever since Thorin spat the words he knows as truth to him. What is he doing on this quest? A Hobbit? He has a home, a safe little spot where he can have his own food and warmth.

Huffing quietly, Gailien sits up, letting her cover fall off of her shoulders. Kili and Fili are dead asleep, snoring slightly. Not wanting to wake them, she slowly crawls out of her bedroll, wishing on her Elven blood for a light foot. Bofur will still be on watch, and if she cannot sleep, then some company will do good.

Tiptoeing over the rest of the company, who are squashed together in the small cave she potters over to Bofur who sits near the entrance. She smiles in greeting, not wanting to talk amongst the sleeping Dwarves and Bofur shuffles to the side so she has some space.

"You alright?" Bofur whispers under his breath. Gailien has always loved Bofur's company. He's easy to talk to. He's reasonable and logical, a joyful soul. She nods, keeping the subtle smile.

"I'm fine," she answers. "Just couldn't get to sleep."

"That's not what I'm asking about."

"And that is fine as well," she answers honestly. "We were both tired and angry. And I think we got out everything that's been building up." She lets out a chesty laugh. Bofur nods, but another thing plays in his mind.

"You said you lied about the trolls. That you saw them?" Bofur prompts. Gailien winces with tight lips. "But you told Thorin? Why'd you lie?" Gailien crosses her arms tightly, her shirt still slightly damp and the cool air at the front of the cave not as friendly as it was near her bedroll.

"I did it for Thorin," she confesses. "He's not perfect, he makes mistakes and we hadn't built up any trust with each other. I didn't want any arguments or doubts in the company. It was a spur of the moment decision really. And I didn't want the company thinking I was withholding information either, I just... only told Thorin."

"Well, I can't speak for everyone here but I believe that you did what you thought was best and I can't ask for anything more," he says, giving her a warm half-smile.

"Thank you," Gailien replies sincerely. "Really. It's comforting to know you don't think ill of me because of it. As you said, I was only trying to do what I thought was right at the time."

"Well if Thorin doesn't ever listen to you in the future, be sure to tell me and I'll knock some sense into him," he jokes, holding up and clenched fist. She laughs, a little too loudly and she hastily quietens herself back down. She glances over to the sleeping King. Well, the King whose eyes are closed but his mind wide awake.

"Don't worry, I'll do it myself now," she jests. "But I don't think I need to worry anymore. He knows where my loyalties lie."

"I won't lie, lass," he says, leaning in close as though to tell her a secret. "When he went out after you, a part of me was scared he was going to throw you off the side." Gailien snorts, a soft smirk playing in her lips. He could try, but she would have gone down kicking and screaming. "You gave him a good snapping."

"He deserved it after what he said to Bilbo. I just hope the Hobbit has taken his words to heart."


Bofur and Gailien sit in comfortable silence for the next hour or so, spending watch together. It isn't an exciting job and Gailien begins to feel tired but her behind stays planted next to Bofur, not wanting to go to sleep in front of him. She wishes they had a fire, just to add a touch of light and warmth but Thorin was right to not let them have one. The Misty Mountains are home to some vile creatures.

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