Chapter 14: Dinner and Maps

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Chapter 14: Dinner and Maps

As soon as she saw the table, she knew this night would not go well. The Dwarves minus Thorin have already beaten her to dinner as she was caught up with Lindir and they sit around, picking pathetically at their food. It is all vegetarian. Her lips suck between her teeth since she knows Elves are not generally vegetarian. Even if it makes up a large portion of their diet, they hunt and eat meat just like men. She is certain that the Elves have done so out of spite.

"Gailien!" Her gaze at the table is broken by Fili striding up to her. She plants a smile on her face that is only half fake. She is glad to see him in all truth. "We thought they might have taken you away," he taunts but there is a hint of seriousness behind his tone.

"I was just in the library with Lindir," she excuses herself. "I know him well enough from my last time here." Fili leads her over to the table, planting her on his left and with Bilbo on her own left. She smiles warmly at the hobbit.

"I thought you said you don't like Elves," Gloin says, pointing his empty fork at her. Gailien gives him a pointed look, not to offend, but push her next words.

"I said I do not count them amongst my kin. But I would be prejudice to judge them all as one. While do not hold them in high regard-" her eyes flicker around to the Elves very aware that they can hear her "-I would be stupid push away those who offer their friendship." Gloin doesn't look very satisfied with her answer but becomes distracted by Ori complaining about lettuce.

Though the Dwarves loath the food on the table, Gailien digs into it, eating mostly the fruits and sweeter things – which she has not had the luxury off since Bilbo's.

"Where's the meat?" Dwalin questions, grabbing a fistful of salad from a bowl. Gailien spends the next few minutes trying to encourage Fili to eat some of the vegetables but the stubborn Dwarf refuses. She leans forward, trying to see past him to Kili to help her with his brother but his gaze is locked beyond the table. She snorts as she sees where he is staring – at an Elf man but decides not to say anything about it.

"If you would like, Bilbo, in the morning I could start showing you how to use that sword of yours." She refrains from calling it a dagger since the weapon is large enough to be a sword in his hands. Bilbo rounds his mouth, his hands flying to his waist.

"Oh, yes," he gurgles. "I would really like that."

"I'll find you in the morning then," she settles. Her eye catches Nori inspecting a saltshaker. The Dwarf looks around, not noticing her eyes on him and slowly opens his jacket, putting the silver inside. Maybe Gailien would have felt more inclined to say something under different circumstances but she shrugs it off, noting to make sure her belongings stay out of his reach.

Elrond accompanied by Gandalf and Thorin enter. Thorin, like the other Dwarves, has stripped off his outer cloaks and armour, leaving him in his tunic. They walk over to a different table which seats the three of them. Gailien forgets what is around her as she tries to listen to their conversation.

"Kind of you to invite us," Gandalf says. "I'm not really dressed for dinner."

"Well, you never are," quips Elrond in good humour. They take their seats and Gandalf motions for Thorin to take out his newly acquired blade. Gandalf has taken possession of the brother blade. Elrond examines Thorin's sword first.

"This is Orcist, the Goblin-cleaver," he says. "A famous blade, forged by the High Elves of the West. My kin." He hands the sword back to Thorin who nods in appreciation. It is also a nod of promise to honour the blade and Gailien can't stop the small smile of pride tugging at her lips. "May it serve you well." Next, he takes Gandalf's sword which is a traditional straight design unlike the one-sided curve of Thorin's. "And this is Glamdring. The Foe-hammer, sword of the King of Gondolin. These swords were made for the Goblin wars of the First Age."

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