Chapter 18: Durin's Beard

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Chapter 18: Durin's Beard

And at first light, she is awoken but a hand jostling her shoulder. Her eyes snap open with a deep intake of breath but her muscles loosen as Thorin stands back up, walking away to the next Dwarf along with Dwalin who is kicking Bombur. Gailien rubs her eyes, sitting up. The sun is barely peeking over the horizon, the land still cast in shadows.

"You're lucky," Kili huffs from his sleeping spot next to her, already awake and sitting up. "I got a boot in the side." Gailien doesn't have an answer but a course laugh, as her limbs stretch out. From behind Kili, Fili leans up, a hand on his back.

"I got one in the back," he grunts. "And Dwalin has hard boots."

"I know," she says with exasperation as she rolls up the thin roll. "I had them digging into my shoulders when we were becoming troll dinner. Or breakfast." She tilts her head in slightly thought. "I'm not really sure what they would call it." Her shoulders roll, an ever so slight tenderness in them but no bruises had ever formed as she was expecting them to.

Soon enough, their camp is packed onto their backs and the only trace of their existence that will be left is a slight pile of ashy ground from the campfire they had made. And a broken bench that Bombur had collapsed in on their first night. She waits with the brothers for their next move when once again, Thorin approaches her with a straight and stern face. She half-turns to meet him.

"Do you know the best way to leave here unseen?" he questions, Dwalin peering at her over the King's shoulder. Gailien sucks her lips, racking her brain. There is a side mountain path that is rarely used and not guarded but the thin path makes her hesitate in answering. But the only other paths she knows are the one they came through and the main gates and neither is an option.

"Yes, we can take a side mountain pass." Her arm and pointer finger extend to point behind them to the large cliff face. "It goes along that. It will take longer than the others, but it will be the safest. In terms of being unseen anyway." Thorin and Dwalin examine the cliff face.

"We leave now!" His words are a command to the entire company who perk at the sound of their leader's voice. Last-minute shuffles of packs are seen around as everybody makes sure their things are with them. Gailien eyes Nori's hands slithering back out of his jacket and she makes a note to check her bag later tonight in case he's swiped anything of hers.

Thorin looks at her, his eyebrows subtle raising and Gailien realises that he is waiting for her to lead them to the pass. Her mouth rounds an incoherent passing her lips. "Ah, this way," she calls out with uncertainty, not yet sure if she is speaking to the entire company or just Thorin. It seems no matter as she turns around, checking over her shoulder to find the entire company ready to follow. Readjusting her pack's straps, she marches onwards.

Thorin stays by her side if a little behind her as she leads them across the courtyards and gardens, watching for prying eyes. None seem to be paying much attention and their escape is made with relative ease. Soon enough, they are on the carved stone steps that lead up to the cliff face. There are no railings or barriers on the side and one wrong step could send them tumbling over the side.

"This is it," she says. "From here we just follow the path back to the plains and then we head towards the Misty Mountains." Thorin nods once, stepping in front of her to take the lead back. Gailien follows behind, slowly taking the first step onto the stone but feels the presence of Balin behind her and her pace hastens as to not be the cause of slowing the company. One by one, they climb the steps until it levels out into a rocky, slightly uneven path that continues on an incline. By now, the ground with grass is behind them, and the fall is enough to kill.

Looking behind her, she intends to move to the side and let the more confident paced go in front but realises that the path is much to narrow to risk anything such as that. She turns back around, keeping her steps moving. Her only view is either the back of Thorin's thick coat and his dark hair cascading down it, the cliff face on her left, or looking out over the side of the path. The height makes her stomach churn, keeping her head set straight. She tries to force interest in something beyond Thorin but besides the rock, he is literally the only thing to look at. It isn't a bad view, she supposes.

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