Chapter 11: The Blades

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Chapter 11: The Blades

Gailien can feel their annoyance, pulsating through the air until it reaches her. Particularly, from Oin and Nori. Though they do not say anything more, they don't hold back their beady eyes if she ever crosses their vision. She has never been so thankful for the two dwarf princes who stuck by her side from the moment they leave the troll camp. Even Bofur offers her a kind remark as he passes.

They collect their belongings from their camp that they did not get to spend the night in. The dwarves are barely tired from the lack of sleep – an advantage of the hardiness of dwarves, but Bilbo and Gailien haven't such luxury and lines of tiredness start creasing in their skin.

"We're looking for a troll cave," Thorin informs the company. They spread out over the area but stay close enough that you can see at least half of the other dwarves. They all have senses better than that of humans, though Gailien has a slight advantage over them in this retrospect. She lets her nose do the leading.

She starts off near the princes and Bilbo who also seems to find comfort in their company – and Gailien hopes he finds it with her as well. As they travel forward, Gailien trails after a particular smell which leads her across the spread of dwarves until she finds herself walking near Thorin.

Thorin is scouring the land, coming near a large rock formation. He notices Gailien closing in. "Can you see something?" he asks, taking note of her concentrated features. She is clinging to something. Gailien shakes her head, tossing her now loose hair over her shoulders.

"No. Smell," she corrects. She starts walking in front of the King, who stops to let her pass him. He watches her intently, noticing how her face shifts suddenly. "Oh, that is vile!" Gailien shrivels her nose, holding the crook of her elbow to it in hopes to block out the smell that has become almost toxic at this proximity.

"What is it?" Thorin questions, jogging up closer. As he shares the same air, he also is gifted with the foul smell. There, at the bottom of the rock is an entrance to a cave. "I think we found our cave." He turns around, signalling to the rest. "Over here!"

They wait in silence until the rest of the company arrives. Gailien finally gains to courage to remove her arm from her nose now that the smell isn't such a strong shock to her senses. She watches in slight humour as the other dwarves are also hit with the pungent smell.

"Oh, that smells worse than the toilet after Dwalin uses it!" Balin exclaims, sending his brother a teasing wink. Dwalin huffs hoarsely, giving his brother a soft nudge with his battle-axe. Gandalf leads the group into the cave, followed by Gailien then Thorin. Gailien makes a subtle face to herself, making a mental note to stay away from Dwalin's 'spots'.

"Oh, what's that stench?!" Bofur cries as he is one of the last to arrive.

"It's a troll hoard," Gandalf answers. "Be careful what you touch."

The cave is dark, and the air is heavy from a lack of circulation, but at least the entrance has allowed air to travel or she fears that it may have been unbearable. Gandalf has used the right description, as the place is certainly a hoard. Gailien has to watch her feet as to not step on anything.

There are coins spilt on the ground, jewels and other trinkets. Gailien takes interest in a beautiful tiara, silver but with dark red jewels decorating it softly. It has been sitting for quite some time, covered in thick webs of dust but its beauty is clear even now. Her hand extends out, wanting the honour of holding such a delicate beauty but the clanging of metal breaks her trance. Her hand drops to her side. She has no use for such a thing, and it only takes up space in her bag.

The source of the clanging belongs to three dwarves, including Bofur who have dug a small pit in the ground. They fill one of the chests with gold and jewels until it is well overflowing. Gailien smiles in disbelief but leaves them to it without comment.

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