Chapter 21: The Black Arrow

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Chapter 27: The Black Arrow

Gailien and Bofur find refuge in an old shack. There are a few farm animals that come in through the night to share the shelter as well but if anything, they provided an extra warmth (even if they stink). Bofur has expressed an idea of taking another boat out to catch up and Gailien told him that if he wanted to, he should. She isn't going to stop him from going to the mountain but told him that she must stay.

He does try to persuade her to come and eventually, Gailien knows that she has to explain to somebody before the both of them burst.

"Bofur," she sighs. They are walking through a quiet part of the town, only a few people taking the backstreets as they are. Today is Durin's day and tonight they would be entering the mountain.

"Lass," he answers.

Gailien stops walking. Bofur takes a few more steps before realising. His eyebrows raise but he doesn't make any sort of humorous comment as he may of. The glint in her eye tells him that it is not a time for jesting. "They're going to awaken, Smaug, Bof," she states simply. "They're going to awaken him and he's going to attack Lake-town."

Bofur's face contorts into a series of different expressions before he finally settles on his mouth hanging open. "I'm sorry...what? You mean you know they're going to release the dragon and we're still here?"

"I didn't get left behind, I chose to stay," she explains. "You remember the story about the Black Arrows?" Bofur nods feverishly. "Well there is one here somewhere, and my wager is that Bard knows. I don't think there was ever a possibility that we weren't going to awaken Smaug, but we have a chance to kill it. I've been trying to figure out exactly when I should go to Bard and I think I have to now."

"Shouldn't we tell the town?" Bofur asks as he follows Gailien who starts walking again.

"We need Smaug to be in range of the bow," she argues. "Which means that he needs to be attacking the town. I hate it too, and I'm going to try and give them as much warning as possible, but we will be defenceless if he attacks us on the mainland."

"Does Thorin know? Do any of them know?"

"No. I...I don't think it would have done any good."

"But are they going to survive? They're going to be in the mountain!"

Gailien pauses walking for a moment, her face grave as she stares at Bofur. "I really don't know," she answers truthfully. "But we have to think about our own lives first."


It is the mid-afternoon by the time they reach Bard's home. Bofur stands behind her as Gailien rapidly knocks on the wood of their door. He has been pestering with questions that she really doesn't know the answer to, but she tells him all she knows.

Gailien bounces her weight from foot to foot, her nerves really getting to her as the day goes on. The Dwarves are already likely at the mountain, waiting for the day to end.

After an agonising wait, the door finally opens. Bard's already stern face deepens. He shakes his head in disbelief. "I've already told you; I don't want anything more to do with you." He begins to close the door but Gailien holds it open once more.

"You won't have a choice in a few hours," she states. "Something you don't know about me is that I am a Seer, Bard. I can see glimpses into the future, and I think you'll like to hear what I have to say."

Bard's eyes narrow at her in scrutiny but he realises that there is no reason for her to lie about that. And it would make sense to why she has come with the company. "Why do you need to tell me? Surely you would be more use to your friends."

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