Chapter 23: Rickety Bridges

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Chapter 23: Rickety Bridges

Bilbo missing is either a terribly horrid thing or a blessing in disguise. It means that Gailien cannot keep an eye on him and it is a constant distraction. But it also means that somehow, he has escaped. It is up to him now whether he can escape this Goblin hole on his own. And whether they can as well. At this point, she doesn't know if she is more worried for the Dwarves and herself or Bilbo.

And not to mention now a new terror grinds her teeth and bones. Azog, the pale orc which brought so much terror to the ones who know his name. The Goblins, however, cheer in the name of the Defiler as their leader leads them in a song that rattles her eardrums.

"Bones will be shattered,
necks will be wrung,
and you'll be beaten and battered,
from racks you'll be hung.
You will die down here and never be found,
down in the deep of Goblin town."

The Goblins keep pushing them around for their own entertainment. Gailien knows she cannot fight them, but it doesn't stop her from pulling from their hands, sending sharp-tongued insults at them. One pulls at Kili's jacket, earning a growl from the young Dwarf. With only her feet free, Gailien pulls up her right heel, slamming it down on the Goblin pulling at Kili. It wails, releasing the jacket and pulls its foot into its hands. In return, a Goblin that has seen, tugs on her arm harshly, the joint at her shoulder burning along with her left forearm.

Their song's chorus begins again, and a large, deadly looking contraption is being wheeled towards it. The bone breaker. Though Thorin had prevented her from being picked out among them before, there is no doubt in her mind that she will be the first to experience what it can do. A female being accompanied by thirteen males – it would be stupid not to use her first. Sure, some would probably not protest her death but there is no doubt that she has some friends in the company.

As the Goblins rifle through their things, one picks out Thorin's sword from the pile. It unsheathes it partially, but as soon as the blade is visible, it throws it in terror. The singing stops, filling the air with the metallic clang of the sword on wood and then by the cries of nearby Goblins. The leader cowers back to his thrown, pointing down at it with a shaky finger.

"I know that sword!" he cries. "It is the Goblin-clever!" The Goblins cower and screech in fear, but their terror doesn't last long. They become ferocious, standing back as they whip out the chains stored across their bodies, lashing at them. Gailien yelps in pain as one slashes at the back of her neck. The Dwarves are defenceless against them. "The Biter! The Blade that sliced a thousand necks!"

Four or five Goblins surround Thorin. He throws one away, but it is only replaced by another.


For a moment, Thorin looks away from the Goblins surrounding him, finding the dark-haired woman reaching out for him – whether in fear for her own life or his own is unknown. Three Goblins pull at her, forcing her to kneel on the ground. Her shoulders are thrown about, trying to dislodge their iron grips. Thorin punches the Goblin near his face and tries to march forward to knock the Goblins off the girl but another three pull at him, forcing him to the ground.

"Slash them, beat them, peel them, kill them all!" Gailien watches as Thorin is forced onto his back. "Cut off his head!" She tears from their grip as a goblin holds a large bone dagger over the Dwarf king. Her feet make it two steps, a determined growl grumbling through her throat. She has just earnt his trust – the one thing she desires from him (admittedly, anyway) and she will not let him die with the hands of a Goblin.

But at the end of those two steps, something happens. Gailien isn't quite sure what it is, only that there is a white flash of light and a pulsating energy burns through the room. She falls to her knees as the Goblins are forced away, off of her, Thorin, and the rest of the company. Then as quickly as it came, the light ends and the dust floats in the air.

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