Chapter 2: The Shire

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Chapter 1 had been edited if you are coming back. 

Chapter 2: The Shire

The Shire looks no different to the last time she travelled through to Hobbiton, maybe eighty years or so ago. Nothing has seemed to change, just as expected. A haven cornered off from the rest of the races and barbaric tendencies of those races.

The fertile fields are saturated green, which rolls in small hills until they reach near the road where they suddenly rise up more, round doors leading to their homes inside. Almost every single house has a garden of a sort, filled with a plethora of flowers, fruits, and vegetables.

Child hobbits run on the road in front of her, a large smile gracing her lips as she watches them. Being not much taller than the hobbits, she passes through them without many curious gazes.

Her smile drops for a moment, her feet pulling to a stop along the road. Eyes glaze over as the flicker, images appearing before her. A door, a very specific door with Mithrandir's symbol glowing softly on it. The door opens, though nobody is behind it, leading to a well-decorated home, everything put neatly in place.

The half-breed's eyes close over for a moment, opening again back in focus. She forces her feet to move again so as not to look odd standing in the middle of the road. The door belonging to Bilbo Baggins has been shown to her, giving her at least a general idea that they would indeed be meeting at the hobbit's home.

The girl continues walking through the Shire, smiling softly at the hobbit's who meet her gaze, but her focus is put on the round doors of each home she passes. They almost all look the same, except for the colour which differs in shade between each one.

She can definitely see herself living here if the chance ever presents itself to her. A quiet place, yet not so quiet that she is all alone. Just alone from the outside world.

The half-elf is pulled from her daydream as a cart being pulled by a pony is driven right in front of her, blocking her path. A small yelp of surprise escapes her lips, the wood of the cart barely missing her chest and she jumps back in fright of her feet getting run over.

She watches the cart go on; a bit grumpy that she was almost run over but it proves to be more of a blessing as the cart rides past the entrance to a hobbit hole. The same one that she saw before. Beaming once more her path changes up to the home.

It is surrounded by a short fence, but the gate is unlocked so she lets herself through. There is a small bench at the end of a stone path. The path leads up a small incline, all the way to the green door. On it the symbol of Mithrandir.

Her hand raises in a knock, but it halts near her head. There isn't much sound coming from inside. She turns her ear towards the door, listening intently. She cannot even hear the soft pad of movement that belongs to a hobbit. Very light on their feet, but not immune to the elfish ear.

Sudden insecurity sweeps over her.

"I don't want to be the first," she mutters to herself, staring at the symbol. There is no doubt that this is the place, but what would she even say? She doesn't know much herself. "Hello, Bilbo, are there any other dwarves here?" she rambles to herself, letting her hand drop. "No." Her eyes widen in the prediction of embarrassment. She will wait for some dwarves to arrive first. No doubt they will arrive around a mealtime. A dwarfish meeting isn't a dwarfish meeting without a feast. Considering lunch has already passed and if you don't count the hobbit meals, dinner would be the next best guess.

Stepping back, her head tilts up to the sky. The sun is on the second half of its journey, but still a few hours away from setting. At least she will get to explore the Shire more, without the worry of finding her way here.

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