Chapter 14: Arrow Foot

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Chapter 14: Arrow Foot

Gailien, Fili and Kili finish tying off their packs on their new ponies, provided to them by Elrond. She thanked him profusely, knowing that the boys sure didn't. Elladan stands watching, leaning lazily against a column that has a green vine spiralling up it.

Satisfied, she slowly makes her way over to the waiting Elf. "I guess this is it," she muses.

"I don't want to make this sadder than it already is, but this is likely going to be our last goodbye." Gailien nods, pursing her lips. "I'm glad you have them," he adds, looking over her shoulder. "It is clear that they are special to you."

"Extremely," she affirms, leaning against the pole as well to watch the brothers continue checking over their packs.

"And that dark-haired one-"

"-Kili," she interrupts, sending the Elf a slight glare.

"Kili," he intones, holding back an eye roll but keeps himself straight, knowing that his topic is grave. "He loves you."

"I love him too," she hums, smiling fondly.

"I don't think you realise how much."

"I know exactly," she counters. "Besides Thorin, he's the most special person to me. He was the first person in centuries to really try to know me. He didn't care that I was an Elf, ignored other people trying to turn him against me. Not to mention he's an absolute sweetheart that reminds me of a pup."

Elladan turns to her, tilting his head down and sending her piercing eyes until she shifts uncomfortably. "And what happens when he has to watch you slowly fade away, not understanding because you won't tell him."

"I'm stopping him from doing something stupid," she shoots back, hardly liking being told how to handle her own problems. "He'd insist we go the faster way through the Misty Mountains, which was hardly a delight last time, but it would take weeks off our journey."

"I thought you were desperate to get back to Thorin."

"Don't patronise me," she snips. "If it were just me, I would. But I'm not risking their lives for something I don't even know is needed. I miss him, with all my heart but my heart can wait." For the first time in weeks, her eyes glaze over and her muscles stiffen. Elladan sighs, sucking his lips as he continues watching the Dwarves finish up. Gailien breaks from her vision, almost smiling and begins to walk back to her companions.

Fili grips his saddle, lifting a foot to put in the stirrup but Gailien's arm suddenly stops him. Stepping back in confusion, he watches as she lifts the flap of the saddle, revealing the girth straps not being tightened. He blushes, mumbling his excuse. "It's been a while. Thanks for that, it would have been embarrassing."

"I already got to watch it," she smiles, tapping her forehead. Fili rolls his eyes but grins, tightening the straps and mounting. Gailien mounts her own, waiting for their final member to settle in the saddle.

She turns her large pony around slightly, glancing back at Elladan who now stands straight. Catching eyes, his places a hand on his chest then extends it towards her. Gailien gives him the same gesture back, knowing that she is going to truly miss him.

They begin riding out of Rivendell and it almost feels like a luxury to be walking out of the main gate with the Dwarves.

"I think we just assumed," Fili begins, "but you're obviously better now. In regards to the nightmares and visions, I mean."

"For the most part," she replies. "I don't get as many visions anymore. Almost like I'm a youngling again but I'm not upset. And the nightmares are rare enough to pass as normal."

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