Chapter 3: A Loud Bunch

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Chapter 3: A Loud Bunch

The dwarves sit, talking merrily amongst themselves as Bilbo's entire pantry is laid out on the table, filling the bellies of his uninvited guests. Bilbo stands at the end of the table, sighing as his entire stock is being thrown about carelessly. Utensils do not seem to be a common tool amongst them as they use their hands with no regard for the hygiene of them. Fili, the dwarf prince, holds numerous tankards of ale in his hands, walking along the table.

"Who wants an ale? There you go."

"Let me have another drink."

"Here you go," Balin says, pouring the drink down the dwarf's hearing instrument. Balin laughs at Oin's confusion

Soon, everybody has an ale in their hand and a dwarf with a curved hat stands, holds his drink high to address the entire group.

"Hey, on the count of three," Bofur says. "One! Two! Come!"

Bilbo's home falls silent as the tankards are raised to their mouths, though the ale doesn't all make it through them. They don't seem to care as half of the drink pours down their beards and faces, dripping down onto their clothes and floor.

Gailien and Gandalf choose this moment to enter and the girl watches them in wonder and amazement. They don't seem to need to breathe!

One by one they drop their tankards down which are now empty and in need of refilling. Dori belches but it is pathetic by dwarven standards. Ori, a young-looking dwarf who also seems to wear the least amount of clothes stands up proud and tall, belching loud and long. The dwarves cheer.

"Gandalf." Dwalin, a fierce-eyed dwarf notices the new company. "Who is this?"

The rest of the company, minus Bilbo fall back into a quiet murmur and whispers spread amongst themselves. Gailien ignores the sounds, too familiar with it but at least they don't seem to be in hate. Stranger's whispers she can deal with, it's those of people she calls friend she despises.

Gandalf straightens, placing a hand on the girl's back as she looks over the company. They all seem to be in very thick clothing, or perhaps that is just because of their build. A mix of ages, with the two brothers looking around the youngest. Some peer at her with disdain, taking note of her elf-like features. But others like the white-haired one watch her with wide eyes, curious more than appalled at her appearance.

"This is Gailien," Gandalf introduces. "She is the fifteenth member of the company and she will be your guide."

"Guide?" Dwalin spits. "We don't need a guide, Gandalf. We know the path well enough." A few dwarves roar in agreement. Gailien fiddles with her hands behind her back, letting Gandalf do the talking for now.

"What even is she?" Another dwarf calls out. "She looks like another hobbit. Probably never even left the Shire."

"Gailien is not that type of guide." Gandalf looks down at the girl who is still standing their quietly, a small smile on her lips. "She is a Seer."

"What's a Seer?!" exclaims the larger one at the head of the table. His orange beard is plaited, creating a large loop. Gailien finals speaks.

"It is another word for Prophet, master dwarf," she responds, her voice loud, ringing over the others. "I see glimpses into the future, both near and far."

"Yes," Gandalf agrees, proud of the girl for not faltering under their stares. "I think her talents will prove useful in avoiding some troubles that we may run into."

Both Gailien and Gandalf hold their tongues on the fact that Gailien is not yet adept at the skill. Visions often only came in a very trance-like state of meditation or on the opposite end of the spectrum when she is least expecting them. But, nevertheless, having her accompany them will provide more benefits than hindrances, in Gandalf's opinion.

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