Chapter 12: Learning to Listen

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Chapter 12: Learning to Listen

Gailien rests her hands against the sill of the window next to her door, looking out over the main road. Bilbo had gone home and Elladan thought it best to go with him which left her alone in the house, still waiting for any sign of the brothers.

She isn't sure if they are even going to come back to her home, perhaps they will go to Bilbo's instead, or leave altogether. But she hopes with all her heart that they will come back – putting her faith in Fili's skill to talk to people.

Eventually, two stockier figures are walking down the road slowly. She waits until they enter her garden, heavily sauntering up the stone steps. Gailien walks to the door, opening it gently as they reach it. Fili nods in thanks and Kili gives her what she can assume is an attempted smile.

"Go relax in the common room," she guides, "I'll get you both another drink."

The brothers almost silently do as she suggests and Gailien refills their mugs with ale. Elladan lit her hearth before he left, leaving the common room warmer than the rest of the house and with a warm orange glow. She settles down next to them, leaving a small space.

"I'm sorry," Kili mutters. "For walking out."

"Never be sorry for having feelings," Gailien counters softly. "I'm the one who should apologise, you have every right to feel the way you do."

"I don't want an apology. I want an explanation," he says, firmer than before. "Did you not want to come back?" Fili gives his brother a slight look of warning but Gailien's mouth twitches up into a small smile.

"I want to go back more than anything." At this, Kili shifts, his brow twitching slightly. Gailien leans forward, resting her elbow over the back of the chair. "But it wasn't as simple as travelling back anymore." She brushes the short hair out of her face, emphasising the white eye. "You heard Elladan, I could barely walk straight, I still bump into things. I haven't used anything other than my twin swords and a bow in four hundred years. And trust me when I say that you definitely need your full vision to use them." She laughs a little and even their mouths twitch up slightly.

"You couldn't travel alone," Fili realises. Gailien nods.

"And I couldn't exactly ask Bilbo to come back along now could? And Elladan has responsibilities in Rivendell."

"You could have sent message to us," Kili argues, though his tone is more questioning than anything out of anger. "Thorin would have let me come in an instant."

"I know," she whispers, frowning at her lap. "I was just...embarrassed. I couldn't bring myself to write it down. I didn't want him to envision me completely deformed, even more than I was before."

"He wouldn't care," Kili sighs, leaning forward. "And you're not deformed, you're beautiful."

Gailien giggles, ducking her head to hide her blush. "Stop," she chides. Her laughter settles back down but the small graceful smile doesn't leave. "Wait here." Gailien jumps up, walking quickly to her desk in the other room, sorting through paperwork until she finds what she is looking for.

She sits back down, handing it to the brothers. Fili takes it and they read over it.

"It's the deed. To the house," she explains.

"It's under Bilbo's name," Fili notes. Gailien nods once.

"Yes," she agrees. "It is technically all his, I just gave him the money for it. As soon as I wish to leave, I may. There is absolutely nothing in this house holding me here – no attachments, no titles. Everything that I care about is in my room, including my pack and swords. I've been ready to leave since the day I arrived."

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