Chapter 11: Come back to Me

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Chapter 11: Come back to Me

"This is madness," Fili whispers to her. "We're hiding behind a wall while people die for our cause. Where even is he?"

"Dwalin has gone to talk to him," Gailien answers. After some thought, she is sure that they join in, or at least she leaves them eventually. Her death is on the horizon and the deepest part of her gut tells her that it is today. "I'm not sure if there is talking to him anymore really."

"There has to be something!" he exclaims in a hushed cry. "Something we can do to bring him back."

"Let me know if you have any ideas," she replies helplessly. "He'll probably kill me if I go anywhere near him."

"Don't joke about that," Fili chides, giving her a stern eye.

"I wasn't."

Gailien walks away, joining Kili who sits on the ground. She sits behind him turning her back towards his and leans up against it. She needs to tell someone, someone who won't stop her from going out there when she eventually does. Just someone who will take the information and not do anything with it until necessary.

Maybe she could tell Thorin. He wouldn't care. At this point, he might even rejoice at the news.

Gailien turns around, raising to her knees and wraps her arms around Kili's neck, resting her head between his shoulders. "Thank you," she says quietly into his ear.

"For what?" he asks, tilting his head over his shoulder.

"For being my first friend here. For standing by me even though Dori tried to convince you otherwise. For taking my teasing and for not judging me for my blood."

Kili laughs softly, hugging her arms that hang by his chest. "I think I should be thanking you for putting up with me. For saving my life probably more than once."

"It's been a pleasure to do so," she teases. She leans over his side, brushing away part of his fringe. "Maybe after all of this you could find Tauriel." Kili blushes, looking down at the floor and shrugs. Gailien smiles affectionately, resting her forehead against his temple. "I think she's a very beautiful Elf. Kind, smart. Perfect for a son of Durin."

"Well I'm glad you think that I'm not still fawning over you," he mumbles coyly.

"Truthfully, I would never have known if your brother hadn't said anything. It turns out that I'm oblivious to these things," she replies, leaning back on her rear. "But I am flattered. I don't give you enough credit sometimes, how strong you actually are. When I first met you, I saw a boy, but you haven't been that for a long time."

"Now I'm flattered," he cheeks, smiling to the ground. "Maybe a little insulted too."

Gailien laughs softly, placing a kiss on his hair. "Don't be". Dwalin returns to the company, a distant and mournful ocean in his eyes. "I'll be back." Gailien stands, striding over to Dwalin. "Can we talk for a moment? Alone?"

Dwalin shakes his head. "I was useless, lass. My words didn't make a difference."

Gailien closes her eyes, sucking her teeth. "What I expected sadly. But that's not what I want to talk about."

Dwalin frowns, looking past her to the company then over his shoulder. His gestures with his head to follow and the two leave into one of the hallways then further into one of the chambers so their conversation cannot be overheard. Dwalin waits in the centre of the room as Gailien paces around for a few minutes, working up the courage.

"You're going to wear the stone down," Dwalin muses. Gailien stops her movements, dropping her shoulders.

"I'm going to die, Dwalin," she states, throwing her arms out to the side, letting them fall and clap against her thighs. "I saw it and I don't have any way to know how to stop it."

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