Episod 27: The Archangel

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"Mazoku....Mazoku...Kenapa aku macam pernah dengar nama tu?"

Aku menggumam sendiri sambil memandang ke arah langit yang cerah tu.Agh!!!Seriously!Dari mana aku pernah dengar nama Mazoku tu?!!


Aku tersentak bila Yuuki tiba-tiba je muncul di sebelah aku.

"Siapa Mazoku?"

Perempuan tu bertanya lagi sambil mengambil tempat duduk di sebelah aku ni.

"Don't know.Just....heard it from somewhere else."

"Mazoku.....Hmm....Nama Mazoku tu bukan ke orang tua-tua dulu lebih describe sebagai devils,demons or evil beings.Kalau dalam Japanese polytheism,Mazoku tu ada orang sebut jugak sebagai 神族 which means shinzoku, 'the tribe of gods'.But...."

The tribe of gods?Means....nama Mazoku tu ada some kind of link with the gods lah?So then why that shadow from last night mansion that name to me?

".....kau serious lah tak tau apa maksud Mazoku?Aku rasa budak yang tak masuk sekolah pun boleh tau apa maksud Mazoku tu."

"Eh....You want to call me stupid now?"

Yuuki terus ketawa bila dengar jawapan aku lalu menggelengkan kepalanya.

"If you're stupid,I wouldn't be alive right now."

Aku tersenyum kecil kepada Yuuki lalu pandangan dialihkan ke arah tangan kirinya yang dah berbalut dengan kain.

Yeah....I know that it can't hide the fact that she already lost her left arm.

But...it's still enough for now kalau aku nak hide the fact that she's a robot from everyone else.

* * *

"Tha Archangel Michael?"

Aku memandang lama ke arah Yano.

"Kenapa kau tanya aku pasal angel tu?"

Yano terdiam semula.

Lama kami berdua mendiamkan diri sambil jalan beriringan untuk tengok kawasan sekitar perkhemahan ni kalau ada barang-barang penting yang aku boleh gunakan nanti.

Pada mulanya memang aku seorang je yang nak tengok kawasan sekeliling ni and biarkan ahli yang lain untuk rehat for e few hours before the next Scenario starts but......tak tahu pulak yang Yano akan ikut aku sekali.

"Don't worry.I'm the only one who knows your sponsor."

Yano tersentak.


"It's not hard though.So....kenapa kau tanya pasal Archangel Michael?"

Yeah.....it's true that Archangel Michael is Yano's sponsor but....aku pun tak tahu macam mana aku boleh tau yang sponsor Yano tu is Archangel Michael.

It's like.....the feeling when you saw someone familiar.Macam tu lah aku rasa bila Yano gunakan kuasa yang diberikan oleh sponsor dia.

Whenever she use that power,somehow....it feels so familiar and aku terus tau yang Yano's sponsor is Archangel Michael.

"He said to me that ■■■■ is also apart of you."

Aku je ke atau....macam ada perkataan yang aku tak dapat dengar tadi?

"Wait,what?What did you just said?"

"He said to me that ■■■■ is also apart of you?"

"No,no.After the word 'that'."


Eh....kenapa aku tak boleh dengar perkataan tu.

It's like....whenever I hear the word,telinga aku terus berdesing.

"What's wrong?"

"No,nothing.So...who said that to you?"

"The Archangel Michael."

What?Her sponsor talked directly to her?

Is that even possible?

Minase ada bagi tahu aku yang,kitorang ni dipanggil The Mortal and our sponsor  pulak dipanggil The Legion.

So basically nya,The Mortal can't speak with his or her sponsor until the 'Disaster Scenario'.

Kalau diorang nak talk to their mortal pun,diorang kene guna The System.

System yang selalu muncul bila a new Scenario begin.

Yeah....that blue transparent screen.

Anyway,Minase jugak ada cakap yang kalau The Legion tu nak bercakap dengan mortal yang dia dah buat perjanjian sekalipun....

That Legion need to pay a great price.

And apart from that,.....even The Archangel Micheal guna The System,why he so desperate nak bercakap dengan Yano?

The Archangel Micheal.

What the hell did you want to warn me exactly?

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