Hot Chocolate

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Am I way too excited to see Scarlett Johansson? Maybe. But only because she actually knows my name. I realized she probably just read my name tag since I never introduced myself but whatever. I'm currently doodling some sunflowers on a napkin around the words I wrote already.

It is in the everyday of life that living happens, where memories are made and love lives. (J.Iron Word, Live loud love loud, pg 2)

Lucy is eyeing me and I'm trying to ignore it but it's getting hard. "What Lucy?"

"I'm trying to figure out if you are actually going to shoot your shot or not." She explains and I huff out a breath in frustration.

"I'm not shooting my shot with a married woman. She likes the doodles and as far as she knows everyone gets doodles. It's not special so whatever." I defend.

"Not special my ass. Oh, look who's here" She teases and I scramble to stand at the register when I hear the bell chime. I'm basically bouncing on my toes as I wait to talk to her.

"Good morning, Miss Johansson. How may I help you?" I ask as she steps up to face me.

"Scarlett is fine, Y/N. The usual of course, thanks." She responds easily and checks her phone that vibrates. I frown when I realize we won't be having any sort of conversation today and write down SJ on her cup before passing it off to Lucy. Scarlett pays and wanders over to the pick up counter so I awkwardly make my way over to receive the cup from Lucy and wrap the napkin around her beverage.

"Uh here you go." I say timidly and she looks up with a smile as she takes it from my hand. Our fingers brush and I hold back a small gasp at how soft and warm she felt.

"Thanks, see ya." She responds. Before she can leave Lucy speaks up.

"Oh by the way, tonight is music night. If you like live music you should come check it out." She shares and hands over a flyer with the next months schedule.

"Oh thanks, yeah maybe I'll check it out. Will you two be there?" She asks and her eyes flicker over to me standing silently like an idiot.

"Oh, uh I will be yes." I confirm when Lucy nudges my rubs.

"I unfortunately won't be, but you should check it out." She urges and Scarlett nods softly.

"Cool, see you later then." She decides and turns with a small smile on her face. As soon as the door shuts behind her I let out the breath I was holding in. She's so fucking intimidating.

"Don't mess this up! I'm giving you a shot here Y/N." Lucy breaks me out of my head and I turn to her.

"What? What do you mean?" I ask and she facepalms.

"I literally invited her so you could maybe talk to her more if you figure out how to fucking talk like a normal human being!" She explains.


"Yeah oh. So go to the gym, get your work done then make yourself cute for tonight." She directs and practically pushes me out of the shop.

"Tell Jack to start setting up before I get here!" I remind her as she returns to the register. She waves me off and I make my way to the gym. My eyes scan the gym and I frown when I don't see her anywhere with her trainer. I get ready and start my workout while I stress over tonight. She might not even come though so I might be overthinking for no reason. I get through my work out no problem and head home to get next months schedule set in stone. I take a shower then head to my closet to figure out what the fuck to wear.

I should dress nice since it's music night and I'm technically the hostess. I pull out some nice black pants with a simple white button up that I tuck in. I slide on my belt and black Oxford shoes before rolling up my sleeves. I get hot easily in the shop no matter how much I pay for AC. It's currently August so it's too fucking hot to live.

Coffee Shop Napkins ~ Scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now