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I watch from my spot behind the counter as my customers fall in love with Florence. Sam stands by my side also observing the shop. Snacks are replenished and drinks are full so there isn't much left for us to do. I could go sit with Lizzie, Scar, and Rose, but I don't really want to deal with the mess that is my nonexistent love life.

"Just go sit with them. I got this." Sam whispers and I sigh.

"I'm good here." I decide.

"Go, or I'll pants you." she warns and I basically run away. Bitch is not kidding, she would totally do that to me. I sit in the seat next to Scarlett whose attention shifts from Florence to me. I offer a small smile that she returns. Rose gets up and decides she wants to sit with me so she crawls onto my lap. I smile at the child and wrap my arms around her to keep her secure. I peek over to catch Scarlett's warm gaze before she looks back up to Flo.

I let my gaze wander up to the talented blonde and will myself to feel anything for her. Maybe it would be easier. She's not married and doesn't have a child. Lizzie thinks she's interested. She's the most logical choice if I even have to make one. I don't understand why Lizzie and Sam are so adamant about setting me up. I'm completely fine alone.

I jump a little when an arm is rested on the back of my chair and look over to Scarlett who acts like nothing happened. I close my eyes when her fingers brush over the skin at the back of my neck, exposed by the messy bun in my hair. I try to ignore it as her fingers play with the baby hairs there and freeze when I open my eyes to direct eye contact with Florence as she sings. This is too much.

"Hey." Scarlett whispers as she rests the palm of her hand on the back of my neck. She squeezes lightly to get my attention and I snap my attention over to her. She offers a half smile that only causes me more heart problems and I search her eyes for any clue on what the fuck I'm supposed to do. A few weeks ago I was blissfully living a completely normal life and now I have feelings for a woman that I can't have.

"Um...Rose. I uh. I have to get up." I direct to the child on my lap and she hops down without question to cuddle with her mom. I get up and head back to the counter. Sam quirks an eyebrow at my return and frowns when she sees the confusion and anxiety in my eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asks quietly.

"I...I don't know what I'm doing." I offer and she nods for me to continue. "I have this...thing with Scarlett who is unavailable but I can't just...not want to be around her. And then there's Flo who is also unavailable and Lizzie says she likes me. I did this happen? I was fine living my boring life and now I feel constantly anxious and sad about women that I shouldn't even be thinking about." I ramble and she sighs.

"Y/N..." Sam starts but I shake my head.

"No...just. Don't say anything. I'm being stupid. I need to just forget about it. About both of them." I decide and walk away. I start cleaning up the empty snack platters and offer smiles and waves to customers heading out. Flo announces her last song and I turn to watch as she gets lost in the music. I catch Lizzie's observant gaze and tilt my head in question. She shrugs and looks to Scarlett before turning her attention back up to the stage.

When she finishes, I turn back around and continue cleaning to distract myself from the conflicting emotions and thoughts in my head. A hand on my forearm forces me out of my concentration and I turn to see who it is. I smile at Flo as she bounces lightly in her spot. "Y/N, thank you." She rushes out.

"Uh, you're welcome? What did I do?" I ask and she giggles lightly.

"For letting me perform. That much fun." She explains.

"I should be thanking you for saving music night. You're very talented and I'm lucky you could fill in." I reply softly and let my lips grow into a smile as I observe her adorable little grin grow into a full on cheeky smile.

"You're sweet. So, tomorrow we are having our jam session right?" She checks and I nod. "Then I will see you tomorrow." She concludes before leaning up to kiss my cheek. She waves as she turns to head out and I sigh.

"What was that?" Scar asks as she steps closer to me.

"Uh, what?" I ask confused on what she means.

"She kissed you." She points out and I frown.

"She kissed my that bad?" I point out and watch as she looks away. I take a step closer and she looks up at me with fire in her eyes. "What did I do?" I whisper and watch as she swallows.

"Nothing. Never mind." She decides and continues to look into my eyes.

"No. Say it. What's the problem?" I challenge her.

"She...has a boyfriend." She points out.

"And what? I didn't even do anything." I remind her.

"I just think you should be careful. I care about her and I don't want her to get hurt." She defends.

"So now I'm going to hurt her? That's what you think of me?" I spit out annoyed with how she's acting.

"No I just. I think you're both awesome...but not for each other." She whispers and drops her gaze. I clench my jaw before stepping back and away from her. I head towards the counter to continue cleaning up but stop when Rose runs away from Lizzie and blocks my path.

"Y/N! Auntie Flo was so good! Did you see her?" She asks and I take a deep breath as I crouch to get on her level.

"I did see her, little bean. She was awesome. Did you have fun?" I ask and she nods before throwing her body into mine for a hug. My chest clenches at how much I adore this child.

"Come on Rose, it's bed time nugget." Scar interrupts and I smile at Rose before she runs off. I keep my back turned as they leave. When I stand Lizzie steps in front of me with a look of concern.

"What happened?" She asks and I shrug.

"Nothing, don't worry about it. Thanks for coming Liz." I offer and she nods before pulling me into a hug. I return it easily and get back to work so I can go home. Sam doesn't make me talk about anything which I appreciate a lot. My life is way to confusing to try and talk about right now.

The next morning it's back to work, but I'm excited to hang out with Flo. I woke up and decided to just go with the flow and not think about any feelings or complications. I sit to doodle on a napkin for Scarlett and smile at the stack of napkins Rose colored on last night. Ugh she's cute.

Sometimes hearts do not fall the way we want them too, but what we want and destiny are two different things. (J. Iron Word, Live loud love loud, pg 38)

When she comes in for her coffee, I hand over her napkin without a second thought and push over the stack of napkins Rose doodled on as well. I watch as her lips pull into a smile when she realizes what I gave her. "I love it." She whispers and I nod before moving to make her coffee. I hand over her coffee but frown in confusion when she grabs my wrist instead. She pulls until I'm basically bent over the counter before kissing my cheek slowly.

I blush as she takes the coffee from my hand with a smirk and stand up straight. She's so fucking confusing. What happened to not being seen together in public? Now she's kissing my cheek? The thought angers me and I furrow my eyebrows as I turn to get back to work. "Uh...should I even ask?" Lucy asks and I shake my head.

"I wouldn't have an answer for you." I respond. I've said it before and I'll say it again...what the fuck did I get myself into?

A/N Poor Y/N...what the heck is she going to do?

Lungo: An espresso with a longer extraction time and contains more water so it's flavor is less strong than regular espresso.

Coffee Shop Napkins ~ Scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now