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"The notebook? Really?" I ask when she finally stops scrolling through movies and presses play.

"Yeah? What's wrong with the notebook?" She challenges and she naturally wiggles closer to lean into my side. I look over as she gets comfortable under my arm that is rested over the back of the couch. She notices my attention and looks over to me with a raised eyebrow.

"It's kind of sad isn't it?" I ask quietly into the small space between our faces.

"A little." She replies just as quietly. I tilt my chin slightly but lean back when I realize that I probably shouldn't be kissing her. We share an awkward smile before both turning to look at the screen. Well...that was entirely too uncomfortable.

I try to focus on the movie but she's a little too close to think about anything other than how warm she feels. I tense when her head is rested onto my shoulder and hand drops to rest on my stomach. Oh shit. Her other hand slides to rest between her thighs as she shifts one leg to lay over my lap, trapping me in a cuddle. I blush a little bit even though it's just a innocent cuddle, I don't think I'll ever get over how this woman is even giving me any attention.

I sit awkwardly with my arm still on the back of the couch while my free hand rests on my own thigh right above her leg that's now across my lap. "What are you doing next Sunday?" She asks to break the silence.

"Um...it's Sunday so checking on the shop and then watching football maybe." I brainstorm and she hums in thought.

"I have tickets to the Ranger's game." She comments and I nod. When I don't answer she shifts slightly to look up at me. I look down to her and try to focus on anything but her lips. "Would you like to come with Rose and I?" She asks.

"Oh uh...Hockey?" I ask like a dumb ass and she nods.

"It's a preseason game since it's September. But she likes to go to hockey games for some reason." She shrugs lightly and I grin at the mention of her little girl.

"Rose is cute. Does she get all excited about it?" I ask wanting to know more about the little bean.

"Oh yeah, she yells at the other team and at the refs. She gets really into it." She reveals and I laugh at the mental image.

"Oh that is something I need to see. Are you sure that's something that makes sense for us?" I ask and watch as her bottom lip disappears into her mouth for a moment before she replies.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"Being out in public with me...when you just asked for time to figure things out?" I remind her and she twists her lips to the side at the reminder.

"I did say that didn't I?" She asks rhetorically and I nod once. "I think it's perfectly fine for friends to attend a hockey game together." She decides. "If you are comfortable with it." She adds on before I can reply.

"I think it sounds fun." I agree and she beams before leaning closer to kiss the corner of my lips. She leans back with wide eyes and I watch a blush fill her cheeks.

"I uh...I'm sorry. I have to stop doing that. I uh." She stumbles and starts to move away. I frown and slide my arm from the back of the couch to wrap around her body to keep her close.

"Hey, it's uh. It's okay. I um. I don't exactly hate it." I try to soothe her when she stops trying to move away.

"But it's confusing because I asked for time and now I'm being dumb and I just" She starts to ramble, so I rest my hand on the side of her face to tilt her chin back up to look at me.

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